Don't do all of your lessons at once, kids

Interesting, their join dates on WaniKani and the Community Forums are not the same. Import error, perhaps? :slight_smile:

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Thatā€™s when they joined the forums. Look at their WK profile instead, as Dwarsen did

Shouldnā€™t those dates be the same, though?

EDIT: Well I guess mineā€™s one day off, soā€¦ :slight_smile:

Still, Iā€™m impressed! I guess the SRS hasnā€™t done itā€™s magic on me yet. Most of the time Iā€™m still likeā€¦ah! I remember this! or do I? Ah itā€™s the evening mouthā€¦mouthā€¦eveningā€¦mouthā€¦what the hellā€¦ah yes, everyone knows itsā€¦name!

I believe the forum join date is now the first time you accessed the new Discourse forums

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Hehe, yes - as @Dwarsen and @Kumirei pointed out, my actual WK join date was last November.

March is when my forum profile got set up. Since I hadnā€™t posted anything on the old forums at all, that happened when I took a gander at the new forums after they popped into existence (March 7th?). I think thatā€™s how it works anyway.

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Yeah, usually I type nonsense if I canā€™t get the right answer in about 10 seconds.

The perils of going at top speed!

I have 66 reviews in the next day! :smiley:


Only 66?! Whatā€™s your secret? Is this a high-level thing?

Itā€™s just a fluke of the numbers. If you extend the timeline to 2 days, the number is about 300 for the next 2 days. You have days with more than average and days with less than average. But people tend to remember and share the high numbers, but not the low numbers, so I thought Iā€™d toss it out there.

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The warnings about keeping your apprentice items low is for people that end up accumulating too much, which usually happens much later. Looking at my Wanikani statistics I started having problems managing all my reviews around level 23. For now youā€™re fine busting through as fast as you want, but when you start having a ton of reviews and you keep getting things wrong because youā€™re pushing the amount of space your brain is willing to commit to kanji, thatā€™s when itā€™s good to start breaking up your lesson piles.

Thank you! Sounds kinda obvious, now that you say it. xD
I still hope Iā€™ll be able to get them all done ASAP. I donā€™t mind getting things wrong, because itā€™ll only be the first two answers, tops. Besides, the system expects me to also make mistakes, right? Iā€™m not sure how prejudicial it is (I trust the learning system blindly)
I feel like I have to go through higher levels to get it. xD I just canā€™t imagine it getting much more worse. Wahaha
I mean, the gurus will stay in the same amount, right? And master, enlightened and burned shouldnā€™t bother that much, right? They take longer to show up. So, unless the amount of lessons increase greatly or I take too much trouble into learning some kanji or wordsā€¦ it should be alright? Iā€™m clueless xD
I think this is suffering from anticipation though

The reason called ā€œlowly Apprenticeā€.

Donā€™t do all / too many Apprentice 1 or 2 at once, because it will come back in 8 hours / 1 day.

Do too many lessons at once and it will come back in 4 hours.

(Apprentice 3 ā†’ 2 days)

This is also the reason why you should keep Apprentice pile low; perhaps below 150-200.

Also, for this reason, I find descending sort by SRS helpful (as long as leeches donā€™t KILL U). Mistakes in Guru / Master will fall to Apprentice


In answer to your question.
My Answer would be ā€œYESā€.

I didnā€™t like having TONS of reviews on some days and almost NO reviews on other days, so while i do all the radicals and a bunch of the kanjis right off the bat (and the rest of the kanji within the next day), i spread out the vocab lessons throughout the rest of the 7 days that Iā€™m on the level. That way, I typically have a pretty constant number of reviews from day to day. It doesnā€™t slow down my level up time, and I donā€™t get slammed with 3-400 reviews in a day.

Although, since I wasnā€™t willing to sacrifice other parts of my life to handle the increase in reviews due to 3.5 level up times after level 46, Iā€™m now intentionally slowing my pace to maintain the old 7 day level up times.

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No, he means that if you do a huge chunk of reviews all together, then they will come back again as a huge chunk. So in the next 24 hours, heā€™s looking at 400 reviews, which sucks.

Hereā€™s an update, guys :stuck_out_tongue:

My apprentice items managed to peak off at a little over 220 o.O

Several days of hell later:


Four months and Iā€™m at Level 14 because of binge lessons and reviews ā€¦ Well, not quite. I basically do the reviews soon after they become available. If it tells me to wait 30 min, 1, 2, or more hours, then I set an alarm and do them then. Now, if the reviews interrupt my sleep schedule, Iā€™ll save them for when I wake up. Sleep is priceless bro. Itā€™d be very unlikely for me to set an alarm at 3am just to do some reviews.

Iā€™m the same. I donā€™t try to have more than 100 apprentice items.

[quote=ā€œNateNikali514, post:58, topic:18342, full:trueā€]Now, if the reviews interrupt my sleep schedule, Iā€™ll save them for when I wake up. Sleep is priceless bro. Itā€™d be very unlikely for me to set an alarm at 3am just to do some reviews.

Sleep is for the dead