From my profile settings I can select a title to use on the forums:
However, periodically this resets to “(none)”, which in my case displays the sect title “Crabigatorism” and I have no explanation why this happens. It reliably happens if I log in on a new browser, but it also randomly happens even if I don’t do that.
Is there a way to make the choice permanent without me having to switch it back at least once a week?
It is indeed my sect title, and I know it displays by default if you select “none” in the profile settings. I’m just wondering if I can prevent it being reset this way, since there are times when I want to exclusively use a different earned title.
You may have to get the WaniKani staff to delete your original sect title. I think there’s probably an issue with how they sync that from WaniKani itself to the forums.
Woah, that’s a bit extreme O_O. If that were indeed the only solution, I’d be happy to continue living with the bug, since having a sect title from the old forums is a pretty nice thing to have.
I’m hoping that I’m the first one to point out this bug, and it’s not a known issue, and that it’s an easy fix.
Interesting… I’ve never noticed it with my sect title, though I don’t really pay much attention. Does it affect what title is used on each post individually?
Heh, yes, I saw your changes just now (upon reloading).
Anyway, I suppose I don’t encounter the issue because I leave mine as my sect title, as opposed to one of the forum titles.