Difference between 性格 and 人格

Hi people, so I’m doing my new vocabulary lessons and got to this words:
性格 :Personality, Character.
人格 :Character, personality

Reading the context examples i see that i could use any of those words for those examples. is there a real difference between them?
Is there a real life situation where is more appropriate to use one or another?


This Japanese page is very descriptive.

Overall, 性格 describes the nature of a person, including things that are innate (they’re born with) and things that are acquired from the environment they were raised in. That page says:

「性格」とは、 ある対象が先天的、あるいは後天的に備えた性質 のことです。

It also says that 性格 can be used for inanimate things, like water.


On the other hand, 人格 seems to be used in a broader sense.

「人格」とは、 広義的な性格 を意味します。

It doesn’t include just the nature of the person, but also their thoughts and state of mind.


Then there’s a part I don’t quite get (though it relates to 人格 having a broader usage), and ends the explanation with


And you even see 人格者 in the third example sentence for 人格.

And similarly,

つまり、個人を表す言葉のレベルとして、性格<人格 と捉えることができるのです。


(that’s a less than symbol, not a く by the way)

There’s plenty in here I still don’t understand the nuance of, and maybe this wasn’t that helpful to you either. But hopefully it helps at least a bit, and maybe someone will come by later who has a better understanding than I do. Here’s the summary at the end of the article (which includes 気質):

  • 性格 :対象の持つ先天的、後天的な性質
  • 人格 :個人全体の在り方を表す/性格よりも程度が深い
  • 気質 :対象の持つ先天的な性質/性格の基礎となる

Thanks a lot Seanblue!!!
It helps a lot! as you say not 100% sure but it helps me identify at least some difference between them and possible applications of each of them when writing/speaking.

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