Diary of a mad level 50'er

January 12:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 61 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 263
Accuracy: 71.48% (188/263)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 129
Guru: 1302
Master: 1441
Enlightened: 3057
Burned 2968


You’re making a lot of progress. Great job!

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January 13:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 79 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 297
Accuracy: 72.05% (214/297)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 135
Guru: 1267
Master: 1452
Enlightened: 3060
Burned 2983


Four more days and your subscription is up.

Still no plan to re-up, not even for another month?

Though honestly, if you feel like you have learned it all well enough it’s certainly OK to move on.

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At this point, my main reaction to my WK subscription ending is FREEEEDOOOMMM!

January 14:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 71 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 269
Accuracy: 75.09% (202/269)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 135
Guru: 1243
Master: 1454
Enlightened: 3075
Burned 2990


So that you can start doing Anki? :wink:

I’ve tried Anki a couple times but didn’t like it. I’ve thought about doing Bunpro again though.

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Bunpro is cool, but don’t activate bunny mode: you lose the vocal reinforcement when you answer right.

January 15:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 84 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 326
Accuracy: 76.69% (250/326)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 140
Guru: 1184
Master: 1458
Enlightened: 3111
Burned 3004


January 16:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 66 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 305
Accuracy: 76.07% (232/305)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 137
Guru: 1143
Master: 1475
Enlightened: 3121
Burned 3021

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Well this is it. My subscription has finally expired. To be honest, I’m almost glad that I don’t have to spend so much time every day on Wanikani any more.

It’s crazy that even a month after hitting level 60, my reviews were still taking me an hour and 12 minutes a day on average, every day. A month after hitting level 60, my Apprentice count is still at 137. In fact, my Apprentice count has only dipped below 100 at all twice since April, back when I was still in the low levels. It’s really funny because a lot of people advocate keeping your Apprentice count below 100, but mine was never not above 100!

Anyway, so long and thanks for all the kanjis. I hope this log proves useful to future Japanese learners and Wanikani users.

Here is the final summary of all the times in this log:

week 1: 126  78  91  86 133  96  85 total: 695 (avg  99)
week 2: 165  84  85  75 133  94  87 total: 723 (avg 103)
week 3: 142  98 100 110 155 112  93 total: 810 (avg 116)
week 4: 183 109 113 106 167 109 100 total: 887 (avg 127)
week 5: 160 109 108  89 168 102 106 total: 842 (avg 120)
week 6: 135 106 111 105 117  99 131 total: 804 (avg 115)
week 7: 117  85  84  94  89  80  80 total: 629 (avg  90)
week 8:  89  70  85  65  82  59  86 total: 536 (avg  77)
week 9:  78  56  73  61  79  71  84 total: 502 (avg  72)
week 10: 66

Congratulations l_l!

You did it! Well, you had done it quite a while ago when you hit 60, but you at least stuck it out to the tail end of your subscription.

Good luck and keep learning!


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