I had pretty bad accuracy today, especially in a marathon 36 minute session late tonight in which I only had 56% accuracy rate. There’s a bit of a vicious cycle where missing items means the review session takes longer, and after a certain point you just sort of give up and try to plow through. Plus it’s harder to remember things when you’re tired.
And yet after all that and despite my abysmal accuracy, my Apprentice and Guru counts are still lower than yesterday.
December 29:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 94 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 395
Accuracy: 66.08% (261/395)
My Apprentice count dropped below 200 for the first time in months today. The backlog is really starting to clear up, even if I do have a steady stream of ancient leeches coming in.
January 1:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 80 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 386
Accuracy: 76.94% (297/386)
Now that I’ve completed the seventh week of this log, here is the updated summary. As you can see, the review times have dropped a lot since I finished all the lessons, but it’s still taking me an hour and a half per day to get through them.
Looks like my Enlightened count crossed 3000 for the first time. It’s been close for several weeks now, but I wasn’t sure if it would ever actually get there, since items are constantly leaving Enlightened at nearly the same rate (reviews from four months ago coming back up and going to Burn and/or Guru). I’m actually surprised that it reached 3000.
January 4:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 85 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 361
Accuracy: 73.41% (265/361)
Today, I apparently spent under an hour on WK for the first time in months. It still feels like quite a chore though. I guess it’s easy to forget just how much worse things were before, when I was spending over two hours on WK every day.
January 7:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 59 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 267
Accuracy: 75.28% (201/267)