Could you post a link to this script you speak of?
I’ve been consistently hitting all lessons the very same day (and even the very same hour) I’m done with reviews for a level
Dang!.. my hat off to you!
There is no way I could handle doing that. Know thyself and all that.
And I know, after 20 years of struggling and pretending to learn, I would quit going at that level. When I woke up to 100 reviews the first time, I was “this” close to just stopping to take a break. Knowing myself, I knew that if I did that, if I stopped even for a day, it was unlikely I would keep going. I would tell myself “just one more day,” and that would turn into 6 months. I would then come back; see how many reviews I have and just say… nope.
It is amazing and awesome you can maintain that level! Dedication takes many forms and you definitely have it!
I WILL see you at the top of the Level 60 mountain when I get there! You’ll just be there long before me
Could you post a link to this script you speak of?
Pretty sure this is the one being discussed:
[Userscript] Self-Study Quiz - WaniKani / API And Third-Party Apps - WaniKani Community
Just remember there are prereqs to install to get scripts to work (Tamper Monkey and the WaniKani Open API thing; it’s detailed somewhere…)
Good luck!
Thank you. Is its use just so you can study your kanji/vocab when they’re not available in reviews yet?
In case you don’t want to install any browser extensions, here’s a self study script that I’ve been using. I’ve been using it since around level 40 to do extra reviews of the new kanji after leveling up. It’s a slightly modified version of the Bish Bash Bosh script that another forum user here created.
Had a lot of leeches tonight, unfortunately. On the other hand, today was also the first time in two and a half weeks that I spent less than 90 minutes in a day, and the first in a week and a half where I spent less than 100.
December 15:
Level: 58
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 89 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 428
Accuracy: 79.21% (339/428)
Current item counts:
Apprentice: 277
Guru: 1577
Master: 1272
Enlightened: 2910
Burned 2547
Is its use just so you can study your kanji/vocab when they’re not available in reviews yet?
That’s it. I have completed the lessons but the kanji isn’t at an SRS level that has me reviewing it.
I also use it for studying Leeches. Leeches are evil.
Today was my last normal level up. I’m so close to the end.
December 16:
Level: 59
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 168 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 557
Accuracy: 84.20% (469/557)
Current item counts:
Apprentice: 286
Guru: 1589
Master: 1299
Enlightened: 2914
Burned 2559
Life goals, must feel amazing to have the cake in sight just before Christmas! It’s a true Christmas miracle
I missed a bunch of reviews today so the Apprentice count is creeping back up, though still far off its peak of 329 a week or two back.
December 17:
Level: 59
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 102 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 468
Accuracy: 77.99% (365/468)
Current item counts:
Apprentice: 287
Guru: 1585
Master: 1298
Enlightened: 2931
Burned 2570
So close!
You’ve got this!
I just hope the hours at your computer don’t kill you before you hit 60!
This has just served to make me scared of the 50s haha. The fast levels in the 40s, knowing that I have a break at 45 and 48 is already a lot to deal with.
In addition to not having breaks after 48, the big thing is the build up. The fast levels aren’t so bad for the first week or two. The problem is just the way it piles up over time and keeps piling up more and more.
It’s kind of crazy when I look back at my first post and see an apprentice count of only 167. My apprentice count nearly doubled between level 50 and 56, in the space of just three weeks. Admittedly, the later point was following an especially rough patch and my apprentice count has gone back down a bit since then (but still way higher than when I started).
The fast levels have roughly the same total number of items as the other levels. So if you go at maximum speed you only have 3.5 days to assimilate 100-150 new items instead of doing this in 7 days. Therefore you get more and more apprentice and guru items and so more daily reviews, too.
I have “met” @l_l at level 50 mid-November and I have just leveled up to 55 yesterday, so I am not going quite as fast as @l_l. Nevertheless the number of apprentice and guru items has significantly increased during the last weeks for me, too. Previously I tried to keep A+G below 1000 for most of the time, now I am constantly approaching the 1200 boundary (now 134 A and 1047 G, yet without doing any of the level 55 lessons). I currently have about 250 daily reviews.
Just one more day to go…
Also, with the fifth week complete, the total time for this week was 736 minutes, or an average of only 105 minutes per day. This is mostly due to the anomalously low time on Tuesday - every other day was still pretty high, and in the second half of the week, I struggled quite a bit with leeches.
December 18:
Level: 59
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 106 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 422
Accuracy: 75.12% (317/422)
Current item counts:
Apprentice: 284
Guru: 1599
Master: 1282
Enlightened: 2939
Burned 2587
You are an inspiration!
Where you started, I think I might have given up. You didn’t and you are all but there.
make sure to drop the link to your obligatory cake thread you’ll make here xd
A completely unremarkable day today. Not much to talk about.
More seriously, now that I’m level 60, I still of course have tons of reviews to do, and still have some lessons to do. However, for the first time I’m taking it easy by not doing all the kanji lessons immediately after leveling up. Instead, I’ll spread them out over the next couple days. Therefore, you can already see a noticeable dip in today’s time due to not going through the massive kanji lesson wall I normally do on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
December 19:
Level: 60
Total time spent on Wanikani today: 135 minutes
Reviews in the last day: 551
Accuracy: 80.40% (443/551)
Current item counts:
Apprentice: 261
Guru: 1624
Master: 1293
Enlightened: 2943
Burned 2602
Congratulation !
Absolutely amazing run ! Withstanding the fast levels at full speed is an accomplishment in itself, it’s really impressive, bravo ! Cake well-deserved.
Btw If you still have a tiny bit of energy left, I really recommend to try to clear your review every day and push through for just a little more. After reaching level 60 and stopping doing lesson I remember being surprised how fast the pressure dropped. After two weeks I was back to the one hour per day territory, and after a month or two it was less than 30 minutes and not a problem anymore.