Hello! Quick question relating to the “new” kanji in the site UI.
New kanji are marked with a badge with the character 新, and I always like to outright learn kanji that I see a LOT so that it kind of automagically burns into my brain from sheer presence. I looked it up on jisho.org and it shows 2 possible readings for the kanji when by itself: しん and さら. Might anyone be kind enough to tell me which would be used in context of the WaniKani Radicals/Kanji pages? Thanks!
Kanji tend to have some readings way more common than others. WaniKani prioritizes the most common ones through Kanji and adds extra vocab using the less common readings.
Sometimes on other websites you’ll see readings you didn’t learn, but that just means that they’re rare ones. It’s better to learn them in words than together with the kanji. Why? Because it’s easier to memorize 1 or 2 words using that special reading than having a bunch of different ones while you’re learning the kanji itself.
While we’re talking about how to read kanji in isolation, how do you read 小, 中 and 大, when they’re functioning in the sense of S, M, L? For example, for value meal sizes on the McDonald’s menu. 中 is ちゅう, I figure, but I’m not too sure on the other two.