Bless you for providing this <3
Thanks for including these ones too. During my last trip, I was in a Yoshinoya in Asakusa trying to ask her how large the “large” size was without knowing the word. She held up two different bowls, and near as I could understand, she was saying “the large” (bowl on the left) “is this big, and the large” (bowl on the right) “is this big”. In the end I wound up just pointing and going “that one, please”.
Though, looking at the menu now, I’m still a little confused - I had the third one down, 牛ねぎ玉丼. What on earth is アタマの大盛. A bowl big enough to wear as a hat?
Hahah! So, I read some articles online about it, apparently it’s the same thing as the regular size bowl, but there’s 1.5 times more meat! It came about due to complaints from people that “there’s always only rice left” when they’re eating it and “it’s a good size” but they wish there were more meat in it — so for 100 yen more from the regular size bowl, you get more meat ^^
I’m not entirely sure behind why they chose アタマ, 頭 can mean “leader” sometimes so maybe it’s leading the game in the amount of meat? or it’s the “Beef Boss Bowl”
I’ll add on to this that unless you are great at Engrish, if you’re American, default to エス、エム、and エル. Might be different in bigger cities with more foreigners, but no one ever understands “Large” with a native pronunciation. Medium and Small typically work out decently though. It’s that American “r” that messes “Large” up.
Also, for clothes, some brands use multiple Ls for extra sizing, so LL instead of XL. Seeing as I still manage a Small, sometimes Medium in sizing, I have no idea if they say ダブルエル or エルエル or what.
It’s a bowl for 頭がいい人
Even better
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