Critical Items Web Application?

I was wondering if there was a API or Third Party App that allows you to import your critical items and test them.
Preferably outside of WaniKani (Worried that an extension may stop the programme working, if the extension is A* I’m willing to try it)
Preferably a Web Application, I’ve checked the list, but can’t seem to find anything.
Kind regards,


I don’t think so, but that is a good idea. Although I don’t have many critical condition items, maybe about 4 right now, so perhaps a script that lets you do it with items you have just struggled with.

There’s a burn items review script, I guess it wouldn’t be hard to modify is so it would list critical items instead of burned items.

But why would want to do this though? Reviewing items outside of SRS seems a kinda defeat the purpose. If you’re having difficulty with an item, SRS will show it to you frequently until you get it right… or am I wrong?

 Reviewing items outside of SRS seems a kinda defeat the purpose. If you’re having difficulty with an item, SRS will show it to you frequently until you get it right

SRS is significant but other things help too (mnemonics for example.)  I do find that if I do some extra studying of things I fail that they do better in the long run.  But this should be limited to recently failed critical items to work with rather than against the SRS.