Communication and Dialogue Practice Group

Sounds good! Don’t worry I’ll provide an easy to plug in template for conversations. You just gotta think of different vocabulary you want to use. Overtime, you learn more and understand sentence structures.

Seeing as how we have a good amount of people joining so far and enough to begin. I’ll leave the entry time open until Nov 28 (Thursday) 8:00am eastern time zone. After that time, I will post the pairs and the first dialogue practice. 24hr from that point to input your dialogues and translations with your partner. Look forwarded to reading the discussions and getting to know you all😎.


Ok everyone! I decided to give the dialogue early for everyone to adjust. The pairs are as follows. If anyone doesn’t reply to each other I will do my best to fill in for the missing person. Ok so let`s get started! (はじめましょう)

@Kayleigh-K @Quinis

@Ludovica @Aemaeth

@Tae_Tea @lucon1

@anon42345993 @Ukaiji

Reminder: As some mentioned before, it will be best to practice typing in Kana if possible. If you cant Romaji is still ok. Get creative with your answers and don’t be afraid to look up words you may not know! Another thing the Watashi wa can often be omitted in conversation since it is understood. You dont have to put it but it won`t hurt for purpose of practice.

Topic for the day Like and Dislike

(Person) wa (something) ga suki desu/suki janai desu.

Nani ga suki desu ka?

なにが すきですか

What do you like?

Watashi wa sakkaa ga suki desu.

わたしは サッカーが すきです

I like soccer.

Nani ga suki janai desu ka?

なにが すきじゃないですか

What do you not like?

Watashi wa Sashimi ga suki janai desu.

わたしは さしみが すきじゃないです

I don`t like Sashimi.

(name) wa yakyuu ga suki desu ka?

(name)は やきゅうが すきですか

Do you like baseball (name of person)?

Iie, suki janai desu.


No, I don`t like.

Ee, suki desu.


Yes, I do like

Maybe this opinion isn’t warranted, and if not please feel free to ignore it.

I know you stated earlier that the romaji is intended for people who don’t have an IME to type in Japanese, but there are simple guides out there to tell you how. At least for me, the sheer amount of romaji in this thread would completely kill any amount of interest I may have had in joining.

Not only does it absolutely not help the Japanese learner (beyond learning hiragana/katakana, which should really be done before almost anything else reading related) but it looks pretty tacky and for anyone who has some reading ability, and may give them the impression that this is aimed at people more beginner than they are (even if it isn’t) and make them feel they don’t belong.

Just my two cents, and again, ignore my opinion if it’s unwelcome.


Google Translate can also serve as a free IME if people want to participate on computers where they can’t install one.

And I personally think that any romaji should at least be representative of what you’d write with an IME, to enforce what the correct way is to write it. ^^ So ha for the topic particle, ginkou for bank. Lest absolute beginners make needless mistakes later by trying to use something like ginkoo.


Definitely a fair opinion and I’m not opposed to eliminating Romaji all together. To be honest I don’t like it much either. I was just thinking of a beginning foundation and if people can all type in Kana, then I am 100 percent for it. The first dialogue is a test run and if people commit to just using kana/kanji then I will eliminate if from my daily posts as well.

Ah your right. Didn’t notice that to be honest. I’m not a fan of typing in romaji myself as it gets confusing.

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If you end up receiving more people wanting to join in to make other pairs, I would like to participate if possible. :slight_smile:

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Your more than welcome to join. I can pair up with you now. If others join in process you can pair off with them. I won’t leave anyone out so no worries.

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Thank you so much! Are we supposed to have the exchange of questions and answers here in this thread or by private message ? I couldn’t tell by your post ahah.

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Ahh yes sorry, wasn’t super clear on that. Still working out the kinks of how this can go.

I would say message in the thread and reply here. Will be easier and that way others can see get ideas and know that other people are continuing with dialogue.

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なにが すきですか?

なにが すきじゃないですか?

Afiosは サッカーが すきですか?

That’s one big issue with using romaji - sooo many different possible romanisations. And then there’s Japanese The Spoken Language’s version, which just makes my skin crawl…


I like this idea! I would love to join in.

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Also, since you can’t even use WK without knowing how to read kana anyway, omitting the romaji shouldn’t really exclude anyone, right?


Sounds good your more then welcome to join. You can pair with Aifos, since they don’t have a partner. I began a dialogue but it can be ignored.

True, my initial concern wasn’t really the reading and more so the typing. Although, people have cleared it up as an easy possibility. So I will rid the next posts of romaji

Also… slightly relatedly for some reason I find Japanese written in romaji to be almost incomprehensible also… maybe it’s how all the かきくけこ bleeds together like kakikukeko or something

watashiniwa korega sugoku yominikuindesuyo… :slight_smile:

Please don’t take this as me still being angry at their earlier inclusion, just an interesting (?) observation of mine :b

EDIT: also, encouraging people to get out of their comfort zone and conversing early is something I definitely approve of!


I’m in total agreement. :joy: I have the same woes with Romaji. This is why I need the good feedback from everyone because, I want this to become a thread that is valuable for everyone to use. It’s still in the early phases so I gotta work out the kinks and fine tune it so it works for the majority. So far, I appreciate all the feedback that has been given.

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