Comment here if you want WaniKani to add 5 more levels with the remaining Joyo kanji

OP wants level 61 to be writing 23-stroke kanji as latte art like a barista.


To be fair, they are level 37 now, so I think they’ve surpassed about 95% of the other “add more Kanji” users who disappeared after 6 months. So, kudos. :slight_smile:


I agree, I’d like for there to be more levels.

to this day I dont know or cared to look up what is joyo kanji :sweat_smile:

but if it means to add more levels (and then vocab) to get closer to the path of the 10k words I am all for it!


I would love if that happens. Not necessarily just Joyo, I would love to learn just some more rarely used or esoteric kanji and vocabulary. It is fun and WaniKani has become my favorite learning tool.

Ofc it can be done on my own, learning all that kanji, but it would be nice to have it here, in one place.

As a completionist and being indeed my initial objective, I would like to have an option to learn those remaining Kanji inside the joyo set.

In fact my plan is to retake the kanken books and go through al the exercises after finishing WK… But after a first failed attempt to do so, I really got in love with the SRS mechanics.

I’m aware there are diverse opinions in this thread but. Can the WK team consider to offer some kind of add-on joyo pack for the app? Maybe my opinion can change as I approach level 60 but at this time, I would gladly buy that expansion.


Agree, also a completionist. And i’m getting sad as I draw near the end and would like more levels…I can learn the remaining ones on my own but I do like the simplicity of having SRS spoonfeed it to me.


You should look into after you finish Wanikani. They have a Joyo deck and I believe they can import your Wanikani progress via API key. See: Comment here if you want WaniKani to add 5 more levels with the remaining Joyo kanji - #116 by s1212z

Edit: Found it one of my posts way up the thread. Kudos to @Juztiz for liking it, which was how I found it. :slight_smile:


Change wanikani to be from level 60 based to level 100. So it’s more spaced and it’s based around a level 100


That would wreak havoc in our level progressions for sure!

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I don’t use decimal system. According to my hexadecimal calculations, the ideal number of levels is FF (or 256 evels in base 10).


Yeah I also prefer It. I can still claim I’m in my 20s. Feels good.


So level 00 would be kana?

Yeah, but people tend to look at you funny when you say you’re 2C years old. :laughing:


I find it amusing that there’s so much trolling surrounding this and some other subjects frequently coming up. You know, they’re pretty important for newcomers.
It’s the same with translations of examples. Usual response there is “don’t use TL, not even deepL, just git gud.” :smiley:

Seriously though, by now it’s clear to me that Jouyou isn’t the goal. I plan to take a little break halfway (lvl30) and a longer one after 60. There are other aspects of the language that I need to catch up with.
But it doesn’t mean I stop learning kanji. Since arguing for additions to WK system seems to be a lost cause, I’ll probably go the kitsun deck route, since I have an account there already.

Yup, you can. This looks like one of the first moves to consider after WK and non-kanji catchup.
Certain Jinmeiyou characters already came up in the content I tried to read, so that’s further on my roadmap, too.

Here’s hoping I won’t forget how the journey started for me.


Or when your WK streak is 8B


There is no API linkage to Kitsun atm.

However there are several ways to add you WK studied words into Kitsun that are pretty simple:

  1. WaniKani Known Kanji & Vocab Filter : you tag your completed WK levels and ‘add to known’ Kitsun database for both vocab and kanji
  1. There is the WaniKani Reversed deck. This will naturally add the known base into Kitsun as you do your lessons alongside WK (vocab only)

Personally, I’d prefer not to have the API linkage. I’ve gone back on studied WK items in order to have full dictionary synonym buildouts and the ability to have Eng->Jp layout within the same review session (and not use some separate SRS). So I prefer to selectively add what I know to the Kitsun known base.

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Glad I could be of help :grin:

As for the thread’s topic - to add, or not to add more levels - I don’t think adding more levels with more kanji is necessary. I’m not so opposed that I could say I’m against it, I just don’t see the overall benefit. From my understanding, WK doesn’t aim to give you a complete set of kanji (whether JLPT or Joyo) but rather set you up with the kanji (and vocabulary) you’d need to get a decent reading ability in Japanese, along with a nice and fun way to learn them.

I do feel like WK (or language learning platforms in general) can come with some imaginary shackles, where you can feel like you need to complete them first before starting to use the language. It’s the comfort of being used to the system of reviews, and only seeing words/kanji you (are supposed to) know already, etc.
Over time it just gets harder to move out of that comfort zone, and to face the harsh reality (that’s not even as scary as it might feel).

For that reason I’d say adding more to WK will potentially do more harm than good. Not to mention the effort of adding even more levels at the end, when such a low % of members even reach that point.
Even now I’ve already come across a few kanji in the wild that I could take an educated guess on their meaning despite never having seen them before, merely based on context and knowing the rest of the sentence. Looking it up turned out that I was right. And I still remember them, at least for recognition.

So I think that if you develop that skill in your days on WK, you’ll be good after leaving the nest (whenever you happen to do that).
And if you don’t, then I’m not really sure how much 5 additional levels with more kanji would help since even then, you’d likely still encounter new kanji that you’d have to learn on your own and can’t rely on WK forever.

Just my two cents, and most if not all of it has been said before on this thread anyway. :sweat_smile:


There are a few member contributed faux additional WK levels in Anki, if you just need to round out the JLPT or give yourself an attaboy for completing the joyo kanji.

I would echo that there probably isn’t a need for additional official WK levels. When you encounter a new word in English, even if you have to look up its meaning because it isn’t evident from context, do you need to SRS it for it to stick? Or is it the odd word out that you’ll immediately recognize the next time you see it because it’s that one word you saw that wasn’t in your vocabulary and you had to look it up?

And if you don’t encounter that word again for years - why are you worried about forgetting it? The worst that will happen is that you have to look it up again for a one-off use. If it’s a word you do encounter frequently enough for it to matter, you won’t NEED to SRS it.

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One could even argue that the current last 5-10 levels are not so useful anymore. My Anki deck for vocab has some of those kanji and they appear in maybe 1-2 common words max, but the meanings of those kanji are fairly niche. I’m generalizing, of course.

Regarding word look-ups, even Japanese people use dictionaries often, because it’s possible to encounter loads of kanji outside the joyo set. I think this was mentioned in another thread :slight_smile: .