Chinese Calendar Kanji

A few ones that I know are 酉年、寅年、申年.

Does anyone know the complete list (of the Kanji symbol)?

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I am trying to find readings too.

The answers I found are

亥年 year of the boar いどし · いのししどし
卯年 year of the hare; year of the rabbit うさぎどし · うどし
丑年 year of the ox うしどし
午年 year of the horse うまどし
子年 year of the rat ねどし · ねずみどし
申年 year of the monkey さるどし
辰年 year of the dragon たつどし
寅年 year of the tiger とらどし
酉年 year of the cock とりどし
未年 year of the sheep ひつじどし
巳年 year of the snake みどし · へびどし
戌年 year of the dog いぬどし

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total disappointment Japan never added a ‘year of the cat’ :angrymami:


woot woot, they don’t use the animal kanji at all? ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━

I would’ve thought that year of the horse: 馬年, year of the sheep: 羊年, and so on. Oof.

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