Bought a teacup for a beloved family member and would love to translate the kanji. I can’t make out some of the characters although the katakana ちゅう ちゅう ちゅう is cute. Can someone help with the rest?
In the square, it’s 子年 (year of the rat) and 開運 (to welcome or open to good luck). On the side of the cup next to the rat sounds, it’s 招福中 (in the process of praying or calling for good fortune).
Oh thank you so much!
Though note that the characters in the square are read vertically from right to left, so it’s 開運 and then 子年.
I just listed them out rather than really putting them in order, but if this isn’t really directed at me, then yeah. What this person said
If you continue reading and connect them it’s 開運子年.
Improve your fortune in the year of the rat.
Thank you so much everyone. You folks are awesome!
I’ll add that the sound a mouse/rat makes is ちゅうちゅう in Japanese. So your cup also has ‘squeak, squeak’ on the side!
I think that’s so adorable! I love how the katakana typeface looks curvy and elegant too.
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