CherryApple's Study Log


  • I finished JFZ 2 (books + YouTube Videos)
  • WaniKani 04/60

My Goals for 2025

  • JFZ 3-5
  • JapanesePod101
  • Genki 1&2
  • Maybe Quartett 1&2
  • WaniKani 16/60 (til end of june): If I calculated right, I have to learn 4-5 Kanji per day. I think to reach this Goal I have to learn the Kanji outside of the srs of WaniKani. Lvl 4 was No Problem, but with lvl 5 I constantly Mix Up the meanings and redings or can’t even remembering them (and the mnemonics). The time between the Reviews ist to big for me.

My books Just arrived. Does someone know an App where I can make a Photo of a Page and it then gives me the Furigana of the Kanji and maybe a translation?


Google Lens will let you select text from your camera that you can put into Jisho/Jotoba/ichi etc., or it also has an inbuilt translate option that uses google translate, though all the usual caveats about google translate apply there. It’s part of the Google app on android and apparently also iOS.

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Today I definitely reached my Limit of Not deliberately learning vocabularies. I will start with Verbs and their conjugation because they are the Main topic of the textbooks at the Moment. This way I will learn words that I actually need.

I also have to learn Kanji outside of WaniKani or I won’t be able to reach my Goal of finishing Level 16 at the end of June. I’m making so many mistakes at the current Level.



I decided to not learn Grammar for the Rest of january. I will concentrate on WaniKani (Kanji), learning vocabularies (without Kanji) and listening (JapanesePod101).