It would be so much more useful. I would be willing to pay a bit extra for this service.
I think it’d be so much more useful too but I don’t think I’ll be willing to pay a bit extra for this service.
Viet mentioned it in this thread here but we didn’t work on randomizing voices with this update. Perhaps in the future!
I think the self study script has this option now. Not sure if that applies to the self study or just reviews in general
Sorry for commenting/replying I’m not OP. Please OP, forgive me.
Yes it does. I can confirm that.
I don’t follow this sentence. Gomen. As far as I know I can do reviews when I’m doing self study quiz. I don’t know what you mean by “if that applies to the self study”. Ah. I’m ashamed. I’ll hide this part in details.
No prob.
I wasn’t sure if the audio settings of the self study script randomized the voices of just the self study reviews, or if they also randomized the voices of the Wanikani reviews as well.
As a lifetimer who’s not going to be affected by price changes, I say… bring on the new subscription prices! Mwahahahahaa
Also, are there any keyboard shortcuts for playing the second voice?
That’s another excellent idea. So maybe “J” for the standard voice and “K” for the other voice?
I agree with that.
I think that’s less intuitive. Cough. Emacs veteran here. “j 1” for the standard voice, and “j 2” for the second voice, and the options can be “j 20”, cos what if next time Tofugu applied the idea of having all context sentences read by native, not only Tokyo ben, but also Kansai ben, and other ben, ben ben dialects in Japan that cover all dialects in Japan. Hora?! Ok. I had my medicine to stop coughing.
C’mon, something like this will take like a half hour to implement tops.
The new Android app Flaming Durtles has this option available, so if you have an Android device, you’re in luck.
I made a script for randomising the voice actor
I had this script installed since eight hours ago but I always heard Kyoko during my review sessions (about 50 items) and my second account’s review sessions (about 40 items). I’ve never heard Kenichi. Should be randomised right? Anyone else experienced this? Nevertheless, self study quiz reviews support it, though, yeah, not WK reviews.
It worked fine for me
Did you check the console for errors? Could also be that another script has overwritten Math.random(). I know an old script used to do that
No, I’ll check the console for errors later when my reviews are not 0 and I’m back on my computer again.
The iOS Tsurukame also does this by default.
Ok, so I found more than one reason for this. Another script is indeed overwriting Math.random and makes it always 0, however, this can easily be worked around and I have already updated the script to do so.
The other issue is with @seanblue’s Audio Tweak script, which makes it play Kyoko’s audio regardless of your preference setting. I could probably work around this myself, but it should be addressed and fixed in the Audio Tweak script. If you want a quick fix for this you can add a check for preferred voice actor in that script, like I did.
+ if (audio.voice_actor_id == WaniKani.default_voice_actor_id) {
$('<source></source>', {
src: audio.url,
type: audio.content_type
+ }
@seanblue When looking into this I also discovered that your script is causing both audios to be played at once when pressing J or clicking the audio button. Towards the end of the script you have $('audio').trigger('play');
, which triggers all audio at once. I just changed this to $('audio.preferred').trigger('play');
in my local copy.
Reorder strikes again.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll try to get a fix out later today.