Can you help me with my japanese project

Alright I have this japanese project due tonight and can any of you possibly, maybe, correct my japanese? If you did it would be much appreciated, if you do thank you. And if you don’t mind, please explain why you made the correction you did, I would appreciate the learning experience as well. Sorry

Edit: I finished the project without checking for the replies (I mean I checked the replies but they advised against it because it felt like they would be doing the work for me) which is completely fair. Now I am just looking for a way to spice my grammatically incorrect sentences that remain.

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It would be easier for people to make corrections if they could copy the text as a quote and make direct corrections to that. It might be easier to follow as well.

Also, this is your homework right? It’s probably not a great idea for us to do it for you. There are significant corrections needed on almost every sentence. In some cases they represent a significant amount of explanation that would be expected of the person doing the correction.

It will help your teacher help you to see some of these mistakes.


Yeah when you say project do you mean homework or are you graded on this? If it’s homework then I’m sure your teacher will be happy just for the fact that you’ve done it.


Ok thats fair. Will it be better if I submit it first and then see some corrections? If not that’s understandable.

Also I’m not really the type to cheat, I’m just asking for advice. But it does sound like I am trying to get people to do this for me so that is understandable. Thank you anyways.


I’m not sure how the project works, but shouldn’t there be an (い) after おもしろ?

The い is an ending for when it is used as an adjective. Like the dictionary form, kinda. Like with verbs there is an original form, then you conjugate it to fit your need.

Definitely yes, just for the fact that the person giving corrections can speak to you directly and you can respond to feedback immediately, instead of you having to read any text we write here and slowly respond back and forth. Also people here don’t really mind helping you, it’s just what would benefit you most. Don’t worry about it feeling like you’re using us to do your homework, the fact is you’ve already done it yourself and now you want to know where you went wrong which is perfectly reasonable.


Also, just some typos… I あさぶない should be あぶない and なかしい / 泣かしい should presumably be かなしい based on the English sentence.


Thank you so much for that.

I enjoy attempting to explain things, so I’ll try to help a bit.


-ます form in the middle of the sentence there is strange.

Oceans are very deep

That’s more like, “It’s a deep ocean, isn’t it.” If you want to make a generalized statement about oceans, you’d probably start with 海は. In the next sentences, あさい川 and 面白い日本 have the same issue. (You’re also missing the word for culture in that last one.)

Scanning through the rest, I’d say that adjective-noun order is something for you to go over again. For another example:

My room is clean

That means, “It’s a clean room.”

To switch that around to “The room is clean,” it would be 部屋はきれいです。


I never knew adjectives were conjugations because Wanikani taught them as adjectives lol.

Adjectives can be conjugated, as can verbs, but WaniKani teaches the dictionary form of everything (excluding certain expressions). They don’t teach the conjugations of verbs either.

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? Conjugating something means you change the ending (at least in japanese) to fit your needs. It is still an adjective, but you conjugate it differently if something is past tense, present tense, negative, etc.
Ex: Something was pretty (but not anymore)
You would conjugate that

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What kind of project is this? You say it’s a Japanese project, but does that mean it’s for Japanese classes, or is it just a Japanese-themed project? I hope you don’t consider this rude, but there are so many mistakes in this that I’m wondering whether - if it is for Japanese classes - you’re trying to go beyond the level your classes are currently at but are struggling with the grammar you want to use.


People have already explained some of the mistakes but for completeness I’m just going to give a rundown of all of them.

あぶない: Just the typo さ.
安全: Polite form (-ます) verbs are only used in the middle of a sentence in direct quotes. Also, the verb must be normalized (turned into a noun) before it can be attached to は. You do this by appending の or こと. So it’d be 座る(の/こと)は安全です.
ふかい: Think about how you’re breaking down sentences. In English, you’re equating oceans to being very deep, but in Japanese you’re using “deep” as an attribute. Literally, it translates as “(It) is a deep ocean, isn’t it?” but what you’d want is 海は(とても/another intensifier)ふかいですね.
あさい: Same problem. But also, よく here would probably be translated as “well/quite”. You’d want something temporal like “ふつうに”. よく can be used to mean often, it just wouldn’t be assumed here.
おもしろい: Same problem. Also, you said “Japanese culture”. But you wrote 日本, “Japan”. The country of Japan and the culture of Japan are two different things, despite having the same intent. You’d want to say something like 日本の文化.
つまらない: 時々 is temporal and does not need は. Also, there is no は after 数学. Also this isn’t specific to this one, but your kanji usage is fairly inconsistent which isn’t a criticism just something to keep in mind.
おおい: パーティ is written as パーティー, with the extra ー on the end. Also, パーティー should use は and not が as it is only the topic here, and not the subject. おおい should not be conjugated either. The でした is what tells you it’s past tense, and saying 多かったもち doesn’t really make sense (at least in my experience). Also, です translates more as “(it) is”. It’s an equivalence, not something which states the existence of something. You want to use あります/います for that. So it should be このパーティーで多いもちがあります.
すくない: Same problem with the past tense adjective conjugation, but also there is a more fundamental problem. Here, your English sentence assigns the attribute of “liking mochi” to “people”. But your Japanese sentence translates as “this (was a) few people didn’t like mochi”. You’d want to say もちが好き人が少なかった where literally you’re saying “the (don’t like mochi) people were few”. I realize here I stuck with です whereas I used あります above, but that’s just my personal bias for what feels better.
うれしい: “Very” is being implied in the English sentence when it’s not present in the Japanese, so depending on the context this could have a different meaning to the Japanese. Also, it’s not essential, but saying 私の友達 will make it more specific that you’re talking about your friend. But usually it’d be implied anyway.
かなしい: Leebo already explained this one. But also, うち is being expressed with the wrong kanji. It should be 家, but even still normally you’d just write it in kana.
きれい: Same problem where it should be (私の)部屋きれいです. If you wanted to use きれいな for demonstration, you could say “I have a clean room” which would be 私がきれいな部屋があります.
きたない: Same problem, but also, there is an important difference between “was” and “used to”. I’ll assume you wanted to go with “was” since “used to” is a bit of a jump, but simply like before, you’d just change it to 私の部屋はきたないでした.
上手: Maybe you should switch the names as family name comes first in Japanese, but that’s not a huge problem. You should add さん to his name though at least. And I can guess by the English that you didn’t know how to express “at” which is fine, but there’s actually a few different simple ways of doing it. I’d probably say ノリス・チャックさんが武道について上手です. Although you could probably make it as simple as ノリス・チャックさんが武道は上手です. And I used 武道 instead of 武芸 as that’s just what I’ve encountered more. But I don’t actually know if it’s more correct here.
へた: Same thing as above.
かんたん: This is perfectly correct.
むずかしい: You’re assuming more words in the English sentence again, where there’s a big difference between the English and Japanese meanings.

And aside from that you accidentally added the last two twice. Those are my thoughts. My Japanese certainly isn’t perfect so there may have been errors/things I missed but that’s just what I picked up on.

I think this is officially my longest full text reply on WK



That sentence is grammatically incorrect. 多い can’t be used to directly modify a noun like that (and the particle に is used with いる/ある instead of で). 「多くのもちがあります/ありました。」would be acceptable, depending on whether you’re making it present or past tense.


Should be もちが好きな人


きたない is an i-adjective, so if you’re making it past tense it should be きたなかったです。From what I’ve read, using でした after i-adjectives is not considered common or standard.


I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this, but I’m confused by this… doesn’t the dictionary form for i-adjectives include the い? It’s not kinda the dictionary form; it is the dictionary form. Why is it in parenthesis for some i-adjectives and not for others? For that matter, why is it in parenthesis at all? Same for the na-adjectives: な isn’t part of the dictionary form so I understand why it’s in parenthesis but why is it only included for some na-adjectives and not all of them?

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Yes, that’s true

Yep you’re completely right, I feel ashamed for the mistakes I’ve made.

I even questioned myself thinking about 多い and 少ない, but I just thought “Yeah you can probably use them like that, I don’t want to change the original too much”.

Originally I had written the sentence as a です sentence but I changed it after the fact and completely missed this.
(Even as a です sentence I’m not entirely sure if the で is valid. I blame my mistakes on focussing too much on the original sentences rather than trying to rebuild them from scratch)


I never knew this was a rule but it makes so much sense from everything I’ve seen too.

Thank you for correcting me though, I feel super embarrassed about getting this stuff wrong but it’s better learning from it and keeping it in mind in future.

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Yeah one thing to keep in mind is that I-adjectives include the state of being. きたない doesn’t just mean dirty, it’s really like is-dirty.

So in that sentence, です isn’t performing any grammatical function. “きたなかった” is a perfectly valid sentence on its own, albeit with an implied subject. When です is added on just for politeness, it’s not conjugated.

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