Can someone tell me how I can make this work? I’d like to be able to center the text and make the font size bigger (changing font-size has no effect…).
Yes, Anki card styling is a bit complicated. It uses HTML and CSS, but the rendering doesn’t work exactly the same as in a browser. So:
Regarding the centering
In this situation, you want to put your styling in a predefined class called .card. In your styling tab, it should look something like this:
.card {
font-family: "Mgenplus", sans-serif;
font-size: 20px; //40px is pretty big
text-align: center;
color: black;
Regarding the custom font
If you’re just using Anki on your computer, I would recommend that you just download and install the font you’d like to use and specify like above.
But if you want access to the font from other devices, the font you’ve put in the URL part isn’t a link to a website, it’s just the .ttf file name, you need to provide a URL link to the font-file you want. I’m unsure whether Anki actually has support for the @font-face property, but I do know you can use Google Fonts to get a custom typeface.
It looks like Kosugi Maru is similar to the font you were interested in. To use a Google Font on your Anki card you need to click Select this style in the styles section and copy the links that it provides. Then paste them into your Front template like so:
Okay, I’ve figured out how to use the fonts the way you had originally intended, and looking at the post again, I think my original solution was a bit hacky. This solution is still assuming that you need to access Anki away from your computer. So:
Download the font you want, maybe Noto Sans JP, as the previous font I recommended doesn’t have good Latin text rendering, and click Download family in the top-right and unzip the file.
You probably only want the regular font-weight, so grab that, and add an underscore to the front of the file name. So NotoSansJP.otf, becomes _NotoSansJP.otf. This is important, otherwise Anki will delete the file.
Now you can use the font-face method from before and it should work as intended. You can remove the two links we added from before from your Front template.
This is a better method because you’re storing the font on your Anki account rather than requesting to download the font-family from Google every time you review a card in your deck.
Yeah, it’s very frustrating, I wish they would expose some of the card rendering so it would be easier to get your head around, but maybe it’s not possible.
However this is how it loads in anki. (It’s not on anki but it looks the same)
But you’re right that with the old solution fonts take a split-second to load, but it’s less annoying than the other problem lol. I’m still trying to find a solution that fixes both problems
Ah! That sucks, I’m not sure what to say other than to try some basic troubleshooting. The easiest solution—and I feel kinda dumb for not suggesting this earlier—is to just install the font onto your computer. Just double click the NotoSansJP.otf file, Windows should help you install it, and Anki can display installed fonts. You just need to know what it’s called on your system, but you could just have a few different variations and hope one of them works. Example below:
The other solutions above should both work for AnkiWeb when you’re not at your computer and the mobile apps, but if it’s just your one computer then this is best.