Can somebody help in translating this

スコットピルゲム vs. 悪の七。。。。


Props to whoever knows what I’m talking about…

also can someone give various translations? =3

Scott Pilgrim vs. The evil seven

I don’t remember the books well enough to know what “The evil seven” would refer to, so that’s the best I can do. No idea what コレット is.

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Thank you!!
The actual title is " Scott Pilgrim vs the world"

I was just trying to make it sound more dramatic by trying to say " Scott…vs the seven evil exes"…Though I’'m not up to a point where I know the word (or phrase) for ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. Neither in asking 'is this correct?". Thus I wrote コレクット。@_@

To ask if something is correct, you can say 合っていますか (あっていますか)

As for saying seven people, whether they are evil or exes or whatever, you need to say 七人の first. This is how you would say “seven [noun for people]”

Ex-girlfriend is 元彼女 もとかのじょ. 彼氏 かれし is boyfriend, so you can imagine what that would be for ex-boyfriend.

七人の元彼女 would be seven ex-girlfriends.


Great response @Leebo

Just want to quickly add that for ex-boyfriend, colloquially you’ll often just hear the shorter 元カレ (or 元彼). But for a book title I agree spelling out the whole thing is the way to go. Also, for evil you may want to go with the more specific 邪悪 (じゃあく), which means a wicked kind of evil, and add a な before 元彼女. This would result in 七人の邪悪な元彼女.

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The movie was released in Japan with the title 「スコット・ピルグリム VS. 邪悪な元カレ軍団」 which means something like “Scott Pilgrim vs. The Army of Evil Ex-Boyfriends”
The English version purposely uses “exes” instead of ex-boyfriends though, right? Does anyone know whether 元カレ has the same sort of ambiguity?

元カレ doesn’t have that ambiguity. If you wanted to keep it gender-neutral it would be 元恋人.

No, 元カレ is exclusively ex-boyfriend, but I don’t think they have a catchall for exes. You could get a bit more verbose and say 前の恋人, but that’s a phrase rather than a word.

That is a really long title. Probably gives competition to the title given to it in Mexico, “Scott Pilgrim contra los ex de la chica de sus sueños”.

“Scott Pilgrim vs the exes of the girl of his dreams”

We could use 元 in front of 恋人, though couldn’t we? It doesn’t always have to be 前の. I’ve heard people say “元恋人だったけど。。”

Also, yeah, I don’t know anything about Scott Pilgrim, so I didn’t know if it was boyfriends or girlfriends.

I don’t see a reason why you can’t, though the dictionary doesn’t have it. It does appear to get used. 元 can go onto things as a general prefix, so I guess it is okay in that sense.

It’s purposely left ambiguous as “exes” for the reason that all of them are boyfriends except for one, she had an phase with a girl =3

Yes that is correct, they use “exes” to make a reveal midway through the movie

@SayakaM @Leebo Thanks for the knowledge guys, the more you know huh

Yeah, my guess is that the dictionary sees it as two separate words, but can be used together IRL

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