I have just released an update that should hopefully reduce the number of times people are seeing the you’re quite the explorer, aren’t you
error message after doing lessons and reviews.
I added some additional reporting which showed me that people were clicking on the item info button before they had answered any items. This would send a network request to the server to get info for a non-existent subject which would in turn set the you’re quite the explorer, aren’t you
message in a cookie that would display the next time you reloaded a page (which happens when you visit the dashboard). This error had been in place for a long time, but I think because the new flash error message design is more prominent, more people noticed it.
All that is to say, I have hopefully resolved the root cause of the issue. If you are still seeing this message show up after lessons and reviews and you are using vanilla WaniKani (aka no scripts) then please let me know by @-ing me or send an email to hello@wanikani.com
I have also reduced the number of generic (you’re quite the explorer, aren’t you
) error messages and replaced them with more specifc error messages. Ultimately you should not see any error messages in the normal course of your learning, but if you do please let us know by sending an email to hello@wanikani.com detailing what steps you took to get the error message and what the error message was.