Best way to "review" after having reached level 60 a few years back


I am planning on making a JLPT N1 push soon, and need to re-learn many of the higher kanji and vocabulary I’ve forgotten since finishing WK a few years ago. Do you have any tips? I am interested in some sort of SRS tool (suggestions of Anki decks would be great, for example), but ideally with the ability to immediately “hide” items I already for sure know. I know I can “just read to learn”, and while I plan to do a lot of that too, I prefer the structured SRS-style of learning.



Perhaps this will interest you :

Kitsune is a SRS system with a lot more flexibility than WaniKani. I did the free trial and I think that I will switch on it when I’m done with the 60 levels of WK. There a lot of very interesting pre-made decks, and you can also do your own.

There is also an app that maybe you already know : Kanji Study, there is a SRS but you need to pay for it (also to unlock all the 6000+ kanji ; but it’s a one-time payment, no subscription). You can focus on the kanji you need to learn, and you can also practice the writing for better memorization.

(I already adviced these 2 apps in other threads but I swear that I’m not payed to advertise them, I really think that these 2 learning tools are great :sweat_smile: )