Hi all,
Complete newbie here. (Accidentally clicked on the Japanese course on Duolingo, caught the hiragana bug, and here we are two months later with an average of 2 hours studying a day and having the time of my life.) (Don’t worry, I stopped using Duo for Japanese.)
I’m only on level 2, but so far I really enjoy how WK structures the kanji learning from simple to complex (as opposed to by grade level or test level) and from browsing the upcoming levels, I think it will work really well for me as I progress. For this reason, I’d like to stick to it as my main method of learning kanji, just to keep everyhing streamlined. It’s been great for recognition, but I also want to practice EN → JP recall for what I’ve learned. (I know people use KaniWani for that; I think I prefer my personal Anki decks in the long run, but that’s not really relevant.)
The problem is I need some sort of middle step between recognition and recall where I learn to actually write the kanji – both the stroke order and, maybe more importantly, the balance – so that when I recall it, I can strengthen both the visual and muscle memory by airdrawing. I had great success with using the Kana Draw app for learning hiragana and katakana and I was hoping to find something similar for kanji: an app (for Android) to practice drawing kanji, hopefully with different levels of difficulty, i.e. tracing the shadow, then only using the square, then maybe nothing at all, with immediate feedback if I get anything wrong. (I’ve been using paper and pen for the easy kanji so far by looking up stroke order, but the immediate feedback would really help.) I’ve downloaded a couple apps; some of them seem to kinda have what I’m looking for, but they don’t have a WK-specific study set, only the traditional ones. Since I’m going at my own pace and I’m not studying for any exams, I don’t want to mix together kanji I have and haven’t learned through WK. Kanji Tree doesn’t seem to have an option to create custom study sets, Kanji Draw doesn’t have the non-trace writing option, etc.
Kanji Study seems to be my best bet so far, with the ability to create custom sets unlocked after purchase, but I’m not sure it takes into account previous results when practicing and I don’t wanna fork over the cash without being sure it’s what I’m actually looking for.
Basically, what do you guys use to practicing writing kanji? Any experience with the aforementioned apps? Should I just suck it up and do it in the JLPT/Jouyou order?