It’s finally happened!
I started Wanikani when I was working in a tea shop in Boston 7 years ago. I didn’t want to learn Japanese to talk with anyone… I just wanted to be able to read my favourite manga!
Since then, I got my first studio animation job… met who would eventually become my husband… lived in Japan for over 3 years… was hired by a Japanese company after moving to the UK.
Wanikani has been one of the few constants throughout so many of these major life changes. Japanese language is now woven into all aspects of my daily life, and I have Wanikani and all of you guys here on the forum to thank for that.
When @Redglare started the first “read everyday challenge” I was so fortunate to stumble across it. This was the very first time that I read an actual book in Japanese. This challenge ultimately gave me so much confidence around, increased my understanding of, and just brought a lot of joy to my Japanese learning.
I love the mail you get every time you level up. When I think about the mail I just received being my last, I get a little choked up.
I also love the book clubs, and will surely be joining them into the future!
• Take the JLPT N2.
• Learn to write Kanji.
• Apply for studio work in Tokyo.
• Clear all of my reviews… especially the leeches.
please wish me luck
I don’t regret taking my time making it through Wanikani. After doing a few lessons I would dive back into a new adventure in my life, wherein each new kanji would come to life in unexpected ways around me!
If I could do this all over again, I think I would go at the exact same pace and would keep the same schedule (doing my reviews every morning right after I wake up and before falling asleep).
Thank you to all of those who chatted with me along the way, and to those took time to look at this now. If I forgot anything, or if you are curious about anything in particular, let me know and I’ll be happy to share!