Assigning Shortcut Keys
So when I am in a hurry I like to speed run my reviews, but at the same time I place a lot of focus on making sure I get the voicing correct. I play the voice on every piece of vocab. This means I have to move my hand away from the keyboard, and move my mouse to the ‘Play Sound’ button. It would be super handy if I could assign a keyboard-key to ‘play’ whatever word is being reviewed.
In addition, it could also be possible to open up the information with a separate key too.
Auto-Playing Sound
Having the option in the settings to make it so that when you have entered the vocab word in Japanese, it plays the sound automatically. This would be convenient for reasons mentioned above, and I think I’d prefer this even.
You have this option in wanikani setting when choose the app in the drop down menu after clicking your avatar on the right at the end of upper option bar.
During reviews there is a keyboard shortcut/hotkey assigned to play the audio vocabulary. The hotkey is “J”. FYI, at the bottom right of each screen there is an icon you can click to raise a help pop-up showing available hotkeys for that page type. I have autoplay set. If you want to hear it again, just hit J (which if you are proper touch-typer, your right index finger will already be there).
Ditto, but “F” (your left index finger for touch-typers).
FYI, once the info page is displayed “E” will expand all sections or will collapse all sections (if they are expanded).