I bought so much I ended up visiting the post office to send a box back home.
No, they’ve been added to my “I’ll read someday for sure” pile. I did, however, recently re-read it in English - bought a copy of the huge chunky two-volume box set.
I’m about 95% sure the seven-volume version is the largest number of volumes you’ll find - that’s how it was originally published in Japanese. The first English edition was released in four volumes (amusingly called “Masterpiece Edition”), flip-flopped and with sound effects translated into English and actually typeset into the panels. (i.e. in place of the original Japanese sound effects). The second English edition was released in seven volumes, same as the Japanese, unflopped, and with sound effect translations relegated to a glossary at the back of the book, though it also included the posters and colour illustrations that were included with the Japanese version but omitted from the English first edition. Weirdly, it also introduces some typos that weren’t present in the first volume (for example, one of the early panels has Nausicaa saying “form” instead of “from”), and they changed some of the fonts, especially those of the Wormhandlers. The newer two-volume edition is just the same seven-volume second edition hard-bound into two volumes.
Ah, I see. Maybe we could propose it to the intermediate book club then (it feels way out of range for the beginner book club). But at the same time, I probably would not read it again so soon, sooo maybe not
Eh, the translation sounds better than expected. (Also they are technically called 蟲使い, so insect handlers?)
What are 大蟲 (read as おおむ) called in English? (Although I should probably stop derailing this thread)
Aye, I pondered nominating it for something. Next to no furigana, though.
Ohmu. Most insect names are untranslated, just transliterated.
Yeah, Nausicaa sounds way out of league for the beginner book club.
… So how’s everyone liking this chapter of Aria?
It’s been my favourite so far! This one has most made me feel like I really want to visit this amazing Martian city myself. The phenomenon that happens feels sort of like one of those things you want to see before you die, haha, like experiencing the northern lights or something, and Aria’s kind of giddy exhilaration was infectious.
You might have trouble seeing this one before you die though.
Would be cool though. I’d visit.
I knoooow I totally would
I wonder whether the tourists are super rich people or whether everyone can casually pop over to Mars for their summer hols.
If you visit Venice, you’ll get pretty close.
Though admittedly, the real acqua alta is not quite so neat and tidy.
Maybe well off ish, but not necessarily rich? It is the 2300s so it’s possible.
I didn’t even consider that I’m sure the reality is much more inconvenient than fiction I have actually been to Venice once before, but it was definitely not flooded.
True, and the whole thing has a rather utopian vibe, even if it’s not perfect.
I visited a bit over two years ago, and made a point of dropping by a bunch of locations that appeared in Aria, like the Danieli, and the vaporetto stop where Aria Company is located, and San Marco Square (naturally). Tragically, on the day I attempted to ride the traghetto, they were closed that day due to the inclement weather.
The weather was so inclement, in fact, that there were signs an acqua alta was just about to start when we had to head back to the airport to return home.
Gah! I think I’m definitely gonna have to make a return trip at some point after finishing Aria ^-^ mine must have been… ooh, thirteen years ago?!
takes notes on locations to go
Oh, well, I’ma just leave this here, then:
Pretty sure there isn’t anything by way of spoilers for Aria, mostly because I didn’t write it for Aria fans.
Then there’s also this:
It’s a blog written specifically about finding the bits of real Venice that appear in Aria, though be warned that since it’s a deliberate comparison, there will, of course, be references to future chapters. And anime episodes. Actually, mostly anime episodes. Including the ending of the series.
Do I see the makings of a book club for the rest of the series?
I visited Venice for a weekend for my birthday one year while we were living in the UK, and the images in Aria have been making me feel very nostalgic about it! It was about 10C but clear blue skies, and we were there a week after Carnivale. So the crowds were gone, but it seemed everywhere we went there was coloured confetti on the ground. We stayed in a hotel not far from St Mark’s Square. Just amazing. Or as @Belthazar says in his blog “Gosh, wow!” We didn’t go on a gondola though, as the prices were outrageous and we were having more than enough fun on foot.
Ch 3 was good, and Ch 4 looks even better…
I meeeeeeean, I’m waiting to see how I like the rest of this volume before I take the plunge and order more volumes.
but I’d totally be up for that if you’re not joking
It is taking so much willpower not to read ahead this week.
Just not during the season similar to Japan’s 梅雨う…
Well, there’s an easy fix. I don’t have that problem at all
I’d be up for a book club for the rest of the series. I just got a whole bunch of money for my birthday.