Apprentice and guru screenshots (turned into a study log until I burn everything)

I’m reaching new levels of difficulty now at level 58. I hope I’m not the only one

Edit: This thread was originally posted in the Reality section (titled Show your Apprentice and Guru) because I was curious how many apprentice and guru people are getting there and because I was getting very overwhelmed, but I made it into a study log to burn everything. You’re welcome to share your numbers, but I thought it’d be a nice public thread for people to see how it’s like in Reality and post level 60.



A large break in the middle and a small break in the 40s means smaller numbers here toward the end! Hooray!


Reaching level 60 is not making it easier. I still haven’t even started level 60. But I have holidays now so I can take some time to do the last push

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I don’t go all that fast


Just did the last batch of vocab. It should only go down from here, hopefully.


And here are all my apprentice and guru items:


My guru and apprentice slowly dropping. But still around 300 reviews per day :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I guess I’ll use this thread to compare my old and new stats, and stay motivated to burn everything :smiley: without leveling up it’s hard to stay motivated

Either way it seems things are stabilising, less than 250 reviews per day and the numbers keep decreasing. Some nice numbers as well

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1 month later, finally reaching manageable levels. Getting around 200 reviews per day again

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I have always made it a point when vocab becomes too backlogged and when reviews per day become too great to put the breaks on and take time to slowly do the backlogs before adding more to my q’s.

I have always kept my number of apprentise under 100, although recently I have allowed it to at times go up to 150.


I got back to doing Wanikani after a 9 months break (vacation mode) to burn everything, I have an apprentice mountain now :sweat_smile: Luckily it’s holidays so I have time.

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A week later, I’m now in sub 300 territory, it’s getting more managable now.

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One more week, reaching sub 250 reviews per day. Guru is increasing a bit but I think it’s still managable.


This time to level 60 I’m practicing the religion of slow and steady wins the race, I wonder if I’ll retain the motivation to keep going though ^^

I’m definitely feeling much better at 100 Apprentice items compared to when I used to speedrun to level 60 in the past, so I’m just feeling like this is the right pace for me now.

Good luck candus1!

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Reached sub 100 apprentice for a bit, but then some master stuff appeared and dropped down. Guru dropping below a week ago is a good sign I feel, and my reviews are still between 200-250 daily so it’s still okay. Leeches will progress at some point also…

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Antother day, more progress. Apprentice has been jumping up and down a lot, but the Guru is dropping a lot so that’s pretty good. I’m now doing Wanikani once a day. Beside that I’m doing the 2k/6k Anki now and I realised I’m missing a lot of common vocabulary, but I’m also reviewing some sentences mined from reading as well, so it’s nice that I can spend less time on Wanikani and more on other areas while still making progress.

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5000+ items burned! the rest is progressing slowly

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oof, that’s a lot of burns in a week xddd

goob job candus, keep going C:

I crossed 2000 burns after a reset just a few days ago, will take a while to catch up with you ^^

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A bit of a rough week, a lot dropped to apprentice. The Anki load has been getting higher as well, but on the plus side I’m almost done with Jalup / Nihongo Lessons, so that should slowly lessen the load with time. I feel I’m doing a lot of cards but also I feel I need to do so much, a bit of a weird dilemma. It’ll get easier at some point, for now gotta continue SRSing.

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