2025 Relaxed Japanese Study Log

2025-- the year I finally finish Wanikani?! Probably not. Which is why this is the year I set no goals, go at my own pace, and just do what I enjoy-- learning the characters for a language I have no practical use for in my personal or professional life (at least for now…).

My job this year only lasts a year and gives me ample free time to study, but unfortunately for my Japanese professional dreams I might have too much opportunity within my current field to pursue anything else. Time will tell all though!

So, time to sit back, do a good job at work, and chill out with my remaining Japanese tea from Japan and the remaining Wanikani levels I have left.

2024 Study Log: Complete Freedom and I Choose Japanese

Welcome to my study log. I will be documenting my progress toward my goals and travels in Japan for this weird period of time in my life. I just graduated and my job does not start until January of 2025, so I decided the one thing I am going to get really good at in that time is Japanese. Ideally, coming out of this process I will take the N3 in December of this year, as well as enjoy the media I want to comfortably.

For summer, my goals are as follows:

  • Read through the entirety of the Yotsuba manga in Japanese (6/15)
  • Complete all N4 grammar and vocabulary on Bunpro
  • Work through Quartet 1 (I have done Genki 1/2 up until now)
  • Be in a good place conversationally for my time in Japan (Sept - Nov)

My daily routine as stands is:

  • Wanikani max speed as possible
  • Bunpro 2 grammar points and 15 vocabulary items
  • Some kind of reading (one Yotsuba chapter or 2 NHK News Easy articles)

I need to add some kind of listening for my level but have been struggling to find something I enjoy-- any ideas?

As for speaking I am going to look on iTalki/Tandem for a practice partner-- how has anyone’s experience been with this?


What would you say your current listening level is? And what kind of topics do you like listening to?

I have this goal too! It’s on hold right now though because I got bored.


Honestly… it’s not on par with the amount of vocabulary or kanji I know. I’ve done some of the N5 listening tests on YouTube and can get most (90%~) right, but when I jump to N4 I barely understand anything.

I like games and anime but feel it’s too much of a jump, or should I just brute force it with Japanese subtitles even if I don’t understand much?

Nice! Where are you at? We can work at it together :handshake:


I do wonder, how does this happen? I haven’t yet heard of a single job that wouldn’t be able to accomodate someone instantly.

As with reading, I like the “get thrown in the deep end and try to not drown” approach personally.

For very low level stuff, the Nihongo con Teppei is a good introduction to spoken content, though it does have a sudden difficulty spike early on I’ve found.

As for other content, the difficulty of native material is roughly like so
manga < anime < books < audiobooks

If you can already read basic manga, the next logical step would be jumping into anime. Of course, with Japanese subtitles. It’s easier than you think, since at any point, you can just stop, analyze the single sentence that’s in front of you and break it down if you need, but you also get proper pronunciations with it.

The important thing is that you shorten the time you need to go from a sentence you don’t know to looking up what the words in there are. That’s the way that will likely give you the most enjoyment in the process, otherwise it might feel like busywork. This will depend on what platform you watch anime on, and what you have access to though.


For beginning listening material, Comprehensible Japanese, Daily Japanese with Naoko, and Nihongo-learning really saved me. There’s also Nihongo con Teppei if you like podcasts.
It will be a big jump to watching anime or let’s plays, but Yomitan works on Youtube subtitles, and there are ways to use it on Netflix. Something else you could try is rewatching something you’re already very familiar with, with Japanese subtitles. This way, since you already know what’s happening, you can focus completely on listening, and when you don’t understand something, the subtitles are there to help.

I’ve finished volume 4 of Yotsuba, so basically at the same place as you. I’ll try to keep up with you!


It should hopefully be /16 soon. Aaaany day now…

Oh right, I also have some threads about youtube channels you can check out:


These are not easy, but they come with subtitles, and you might enjoy the content.

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I’m in accounting and job start dates post-graduation tend to be in the fall because they want to give people time after they graduate but before they start work to complete their license examinations but also because they aren’t needed until later in the year. Big firms also don’t need the extra help until closer to the winter when busy season starts (at least in auditing), so they push training to closer before that. I already finished my exams though and my job is different so time to study Japanese instead :smiley:

I might follow you on this, it’s what got me to a point where I can comfortably enjoy manga too (or at least easy manga like Yotsuba). I appreciate the recommendations! Like with other things I feel in Japanese at a certain point there is no one “best” way to do it, just got to do something that pushes me further!


I’ll give those a look! I also completely forgot that Quartet came with listening as well-- it’s been a couple of years since I’ve touched Genki to be honest. Yomitan seems very useful as well!

I’ll keep you updated on my Yotsuba progress! I feel I have reached a point where the NHK articles are pretty straightforward and boring outside of the one or new vocab in them, so probably going to be reading just that a lot in the coming weeks.


Well… one month later and I have not entirely kept up with everything that I set out, but that is not to say I have given up! I will get my N3 this December no matter what! Other life update I started dating my best friend so that took a little extra unexpected time :slight_smile:

As for my progress update… I have leveled up only twice in Wanikani, but if I can reach around level 40 by December I think I can learn the remaining N3 kanji. I am making good progress in my vocab and grammar decks on Bunpro, only a couple more N4 grammar and almost 70% done with the N4 vocabulary.

Yotsuba I am working through volume 6 now! The beach chapters in volume 5 were my favorite so far, especially because I got to read them while at the beach with family so it felt fitting.

Lastly… listening and speaking are finally going to stop being neglected… I swear!


I wouldn’t worry that much about getting most of the kanji like that. 80% is pretty good, you could just check the rest in a more direct manner.

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I use Wanikani as a vocab supplement too (I know it’s not the main use!) so it’ll help build up my vocab as I keep leveling up until then too. I sync to Bunpro to mark out the vocab I learn on Wanikani though to make sure I’m hitting everything for N3 more comprehensively

However… I have been noticing that some vocab on Bunpro in their N-decks doesn’t match up to Jisho… like at all. Has anyone had success following their decks to pass any N-level?

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I find every kind of listening to be useful. The good thing is that you can listen passively while doing other stuff. You can try podcasts, music, youtube videos (I enjoy lets plays).

The biggest step at the beginning is to just get used to the sounds, trying to get a feel for when a word starts and ends. Even if you dont understand everything because you don’t know the words or the grammar, it doesnt matter. The main thing with listening practice is the rhythm, the feel, the patterns. For that you need a lot of input so I recommend to listen to something whenever you can.


Level 27!

WaniKani is by far the favorite part of my routine… something about knowing I am doing all of something with a set end goal feels fulfilling to me. Level 27 means I officially know all of the N4 kanji apparently, so another step toward N3!

Been texting with my Japanese friends and setting up some calls with them, alongside my first Preply lesson… so making progress toward speaking and listening in that regard! Not that I really have any way to measure this, but for now I will trust the process.

Lastly, finished Yotsuba volume 6! I really enjoyed how all the chapters in this volume flowed together, from the bike to the milk and its delivery chapter to the cabinet building and Yotsuba earning her bike privilege back (even without 免許!)

Onward to level 28! And my next update!


Level 28!

Full speed ahead on WaniKani… hopefully I can keep it up! Knowing kanji for new words even outside of WaniKani definitely makes them easier to learn.

Continuing to get practice my speaking and listening through conversations. No way to really have a metric to track here, but I will just enjoy the process!

Haven’t started on Yotsuba volume 7, but honestly might look for some other reading to supplement. I want to see more kanji :stuck_out_tongue:

Until level 29!


Good job, I am glad you’re enjoying yourself!
おめでとうございます! :tada:



Level 29!

Approaching the end of Death… but Hell awaits. I doubt I will keep to my once a week level up for this next week as I will be traveling to visit my girlfriend, but I will at least keep up with my reviews.

The Preply lessons I’ve started are helping me a lot. I am still neglecting listening a lot, but speaking and my overall comprehension is definitely improving. I did some N3 mock questions and was fine to pass on the vocabulary, kanji, and grammar questions, but the listening I literally missed them all… so not that I needed another reminder to practice that but there it was.

This past week I also finally finished the N4 grammar points on Bunpro! Should be good to go to wrap up all the N4 vocabulary (aside from that I’ll learn from WK) in the next month.

Last update, I got a volunteer position in Japan! So ideally that will force me to use Japanese as I throw myself into a situation where I am surrounded by it.

Until next time, the long-awaited halfway mark!


Level 30, the final level of death is here!

When I started WaniKani in the summer after covid, I had no knowledge of Japanese other than hiragana… now that I know 1000+ kanji, I still feel like I know nothing! But if I don’t give up then I haven’t quit. Many resets, breaks, and life events got in the way up until now, but we are full steam ahead!

I have pretty much finished up the N4 vocab deck on Bunpro, so another goal down! Time to cram as much in for the rest of this month so I don’t have to worry about studying as much when I’m in Japan :slight_smile:

The milestones accomplished at my favorite part of the journey. They are what make every grind to the next step worthwhile, and offer a great place to look back on how far you’ve come. If you’re reading this, take a second to think how impressed who you were when you started would be if they knew where you are now!

Until next time, I will see you in Hell!


Level 31… welcome to Hell!

Registered for the N3! I’m making good headway with the Bunpro N3 vocab and grammar decks, but still have a ways to go. I know once I get to Japan my progress is going to come to a halt, but I think I am almost at a spot where I won’t have an overwhelming amount I still need to study while traveling.

Practice tests will be a different issue in late November once I get back, but assuming my listening gets on par from my travels, I think I will be in shape come December to at least pass.

My goal with WaniKani has shifted to getting to level 35 by December 1st as well. I should be able to level up twice going maximum speed in these next two weeks, putting me at the start of level 33 when I depart, so one level a month will be my new assumed speed while stacking on the Bunpro reviews instead. I might end up going faster, but once I reach 35 I’m easing off kanji learning until after the N3.

Until level 32, I’m this far in so no reason to stop now!


Level 32… whoops.

I fell off my studies hard coming to Japan. Who would have thought being in the country speaking the language meant I was learning less than before? I have learned a lot nonetheless, but just everyday terms with traveling and working here, so not great for the N3, but still great for my overall Japanese!

With work I get to speak everyday and interact in native situations, which has been a ton of fun to actually put my Japanese to the test. No matter how slow I go or how long it takes for my study goals, we see how far this I can take this! I will definitely not make it through the N3 Bunpro vocab deck, but maybe I can slide by with a pass knowing around half of it?

Until level 33, which will ideally happen in less than the previous level time (50 days!)