Yeah so i started 2 weeks ago tori and bunpro along wanikani it was fun and i really liked it. But it turned out to be an extra pile of work which made wanikani a little difficult to keep up with. my accuracy has dropped in wanikani to 70%~ 80% i was scared it might be apprentice pile so i cleared it up week ago (was 100) and stopped doing lessons. Now my enlightment count is 1100 items 500 (almost) for both guru and master. Should i start doing lessons again or should i remained as it is?
This looks like a healthy amount. Try to not throw in a hundred lessons all at once though. I like to keep things manageable by doing about 30 lessons max per day, only doing lessons if I know I can hit those 4 and 8 hour reviews before I go to bed at night (either do lessons in the morning, or early evening, and get the second review in the morning). I try to not do lessons, unless all my items have passed those two, meaning I got them all right twice in a row. That helps to identify possible troublemakers early on, even if some of them are just dumb typos.
If you tend to fail items at the appr3 stage, maybe wait with new lessons until all previous are in appr4. This will help keep daily load low as well, since anything you get wrong at that stage will come back in 8 hours.
If you want you may try to get a sense of the workload from Guru/Master/Enlightened reviews with the Heatmap Script. This will display a calendar that holds statistics about the reviews scheduled for every day. You click on a day (a colored little square) and detailed stats for the day pop up. It includes a break down of reviews by SRS stages. You can see what portion of the workload is from the Guru/Master/Enlightened reviews. It does not make sense to further reduce the apprentice count if a sizable chunk of the work comes from the other stages.
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