霧のむこうのふしぎな町 | Week 17 Discussion 🌬 🏘

It was less that it was incredibly difficult to understand, and more the frustration of feeling like I was clipping along at a nice pace and actually “reading”, and then every other paragraph or so having to contend with deciphering something. Just let me enjoy this feeling, dammit!

That makes some sense to me :thinking: because it’s very particularly written as 感じなかった, rather than saying she (positively) had the feeling that she hadn’t been walking very long, which I thought was an odd way of phrasing the sentence to begin with.


I finished as well! Agreed with radish’s thoughts on the book;
once you saw what direction it was going to take (working at the different shops, and so on) it became more interesting. Seems like most people also agreed on their favorite chapter.
The last arc I agreed was rather annoying (?) than engaging, also while the previous chapters felt more like Rina was at the shops for the whole day in a sort of “different world”, for the last arc it felt like she was constantly switching places, going back to the house, going to other shops, so it didn’t feel really contained / she wasn’t really a part of anything happening at the shop.

It was also kind of hard to stay motivated and on track, but in the end I’m glad I finished it :slight_smile: one more book off my reading pile.


Woah, nice going! Always awesome to see someone using the resources way after the club has finished to successfully complete a book.

Have a celebratory cake :grin: :cake: :partying_face:


Another one finished. Honestly thanks to all the people who participated in this book club. The questions, the answers, the vocab sheet, it all helped me a lot. I’m so glad someone recommended this book club to me a few months ago.

As for the book: I really like kanji. The sea of hiragana is really hard to read.