霧のむこうのふしぎな町 | Week 17 Discussion 🌬 🏘

Pages 192 - 203

Chapter 8: おみやげ

Start Date: 11th April
Last Week: Chapter 8.1

霧のむこうのふしぎな町 Home Thread

We’re reading to the end of the book this week!

Vocabulary List

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Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur out major events in the current week’s pages, and any content from later in the book/series, like this: [spoiler]texthere[/spoiler]

  • When asking for help, please mention the page number (or % for eBooks).

  • To you lurkers out there: join the conversation, it’s fun!


Instead of the usual participation poll, please vote to indicate when you’ve finished the book!

  • I finished 霧のむこうのふしぎな町! :tada:
  • I plan to finish it but haven’t yet
  • I just like to clicky clicky

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We made it to the last week! Congratulations to everybody who finishes the book :triumph:

Those who’ve finished…

How would you rate it (where 5 is excellent and 1 is terrible)?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Which was your favourite chapter?

  • Chapter 1 - リナ、霧の谷へ
  • Chapter 2 - ピコット屋敷という下宿
  • Chapter 3 - リナ、はじめてはたらきにでる
  • Chapter 4 - バカメとトーマスのいる店
  • Chapter 5 - 魔法の手助け
  • Chapter 6 - 王子さまというものは
  • Chapter 7 - お面をとらない男の子
  • Chapter 8 - おみやげ

0 voters

Wow, this part has the Aは〜ときてる。as well! I only saw that pattern in grammar books before and that book has it (at least) twice!

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Wait what does that mean :dizzy_face: I don’t remember it aaaaaaaa


Time to re-read all the threads!

Sorry, I’m in a rush, I’ll give a more constructive answer later


Haha, it’s okay :grin: I haven’t even started reading this bit yet.

Also, lol at the so far unanimous voting on favourite chapter.

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Ok, I’m back for 5 minutes.

AはBときている means “when it comes to A, it’s so/such B”. So more emphasis than simply AはB.

But feel free to just go back and re-read the threads :wink:
(I think it was in everyone’s favorite chapter, since A was トーマス at the time if I remember correctly)


Dunno how to parse this. Too much kana!

What’s going on in the bold part?

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ただで for free
おいとく (置いておく) to leave somewhere
わけにはいかない there’s no reason/ cannot be
→ I can’t just let you be (here) for free.

It’s just a variation of くれ. It sounds old fashioned, and would be only used by older people in real life.


くれ? As in 来る?

No, as in the imperative form of くれる. (To give)


Ohh, okay, I get it. Thanks.

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I don’t get this bold part.

けっして - not ever
したりしない has basically the same meaning as しない, it’s just a bit softened (so that it doesn’t come across as harsh as a command).
The verb is なくす - to lose (something)

Altogether: never ever to lose it


A few questions please if I may:

At 98%


I am not completely sure how to interpret this part. “にくらしい” means “hateful”, but I’m not sure if she means the sweet that the 小鬼 picked for her, or the candle that Icchan made for her, now why she finds it “hateful”

I am also having trouble figuring out what ひょうとこのお面 would mean. ひょうと seems to mean “possible” but I’m not sure how that’s linked to このお面

At 98.5%


My best guess as to the kanji version of this phrase would be:
ピコットばあさん に 意地悪 言われて 泣いた こと も あったんだ。
However, if that’s correct I’m not sure why exactly Rina is recalling that event; the only relationship seems to be that now she’s also shedding tears (but in this case, of happiness). Am I missing something?

Any help is appreciated meow!

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It’s the ひょうとこのお面 that she finds a bit hateful :wink: (just google image it, you’ll get it I think) (or maybe easier with just ひょうとこ (space) お面


Oh holy cat.

I get it now, thank you!


Probably worth noting that the imperative for both 来る andくれる are exceptions. Normally you’d take the last kana and convert it to the え equivalent, as you expected here (e.g. 黙る → 黙れ).

As Naphthalene already mentioned, the imperative of くれる is くれ. The imperative of くる is こい.


Can someone help me with the bold part in these sentences?
Page 193



Thank you in advance!

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むかえ means to come pick up someone in this context. In this case, リナ was told someone would pick her up from the station (cf the first chapter). Turns out the umbrella “picked her up” (and acted as guide).