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Chapter 5, Part 4: 運命の曲がり角、最期の便り
Start Date: July 4th
Previous Week: Chapter 5, part 3
Next Week: Chapter 5, part 5
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That a short but emotionaly charged chapter
First thing first. Just to be sure at the beginning they talk about how エリン was helped by ユーヤン and トムラ to pass the exam. If you fail the exam you lose the financial support and a lot of students must drop out, right? Then after the exam, the students can go back to their family for some time.
I am so sad for John I did not see it coming. I mean like everyone else I remember when he seemed to have a heart problem but I forgot about it because it seemed so far. I was expecting the letter to be the Queen wanting リラん back since he is healed or that she wanted エリン to be a royal 王獣 trainer or something. When I saw it was about John I was broken inside. Was not expecting to end on that note. Especially when she talked about her regret and the summer house.
Regarding the chapter…
It was quite sad. 
I kind of expected this development based on the chapter title though. Anyone else?
@icefang97 My understanding was the same as yours.
I don’t get this sentence around 15%.
I just can’t seem to connect this to the rest of what’s being said.
Here’s the full surrounding context if it helps: