獣の奏者 chapter 2, part 2 discussion

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Chapter 2, Part 2: あまける獣、夏と小屋

Start Date: March 21st
Previous Week: Chapter 2, part 1
Next Week: Chapter 2, part 3

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number. If you are reading the ebook version mention the percentage.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun! :durtle:

Read Aloud

We will be reading on Sundays at 10:00PM Japan time (reading the previous week’s content). Here is the time in your local time zone:



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  • I’m reading along
  • I’m still reading the book but I haven’t reached this part yet
  • I’m no longer reading the book

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If you’ve read ahead (or read the book before) but plan to participate, please vote for “I’m reading along”.

These past few chapters almost made me forget the horrible things that happened to the mother. The ending hurt a bit.


This week’s section was great. I’m so tempted to keep reading, but I’ll be good and stick to the schedule. :slight_smile: I especially liked the part describing how Erin felt after finding out the bee died from stinging her.

@mrahhal The ending sure is ominous, huh? Even if nothing bad happens, I feel bad for Erin.


I really enjoyed this chapter (especially how Erin wanted to touch one of the bees to see what they feel like). Like seanblue, I found the following part with the death of the bee touching. It was really difficult to stop reading at the end, so I’m looking forward, with trepidation, to next week’s reading.


Did you all already finished reading? :cold_sweat:I’m just starting it :yawning_face:


I do most of my book reading on Friday and Saturday. Plus the reading this week was short and very interesting, so I read it in (basically) two sittings.

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This is good news, I was a little bored by all the :honeybee: talks in the last chapter :sweat_smile:

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The bees are still mostly there. :eyes: But the focus is shifting a bit maybe…?

And man I loove this book. This is my favorite by far of all the books we’ve been reading here. It’s just so… relaxing to read. :coffee: :cake:

And yeah, same as you guys I really want to keep reading~~ The end of the week is so far away. :sob:

Oh, and having checked the upcoming chapters’ titles (I only wanted to know if this next part was the last of this chapter, but I couldn’t help but glance over them all…), I noticed one chapter’s title in particular. I am now convinced that there’s some very heavy foreshadowing going on in ジョウン’s musings and エリン is going to go undercover as a boy. :eyes:


I think I saw an unusual number of kanji I’ve never even seen before in this chapter :thinking:
It’s usually more of a ‘I’ve seen this before even if I don’t know either meaning or pronunciation’ feeling.

About the chapter, most things have been said but I found ジョウン scolding her kind of funny, the bee thing was sad and the ending worrying. My poor heart can’t handle more horrible things so soon.


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