毎日 versus 連日

Is there a difference between 毎日 and 連日 besides the infernal difference in the reading of 日?

Before knowing any kanji, I had always seen, or used the hiragana form of 毎日. I had never encountered 連日.

When might one use one vs. the other?


The kanji 連 is often associated with things occurring repeatedly one after another, like 連勝 (れんしょう) meaning victory streak (repeatedly winning) and 連打(れんだ) meaning repeatedly hitting something; so my guess is that 連日 is used when an event keeps happening day after day and perhaps it will end after a week or two.
毎日 sound more to me like a routine which somebody or something follows indefinitely.

I might be wrong, I’m just giving my impressions based on what I’ve experienced so far.


In my experience (essentially what @TheCodingFox wrote):

毎日 is something that takes place daily. It’s done each day, without missing a day. This can be, for example, studying before going to bed every night. (“I study before bedtime every day.”)

連日 is something that takes place for consecutive days (days in a row). Each day, it continues from where the prior day left off. This can be, for example, doing remedial classes after failing a big test. (“I attended remedial classe one day after another.”)


As has been said above I believe the kanji 連 imparts a connotation of something being “serial” or of things occurring in a series. 毎 on the other hand has a connotation of simply “repetition”.

In that sense we would see 連日 more often in special occasions or occurrences that happen for a number of consecutive days but doesn’t happen all the time. An example of events that might fit this would be the most recent Olympic games broadcasts, or maybe special news announcements for extreme weather conditions that occur over a number of days.


Thank you all, this really helps.

Another one that might help would be 連休 which could be literally translated as “consecutive holidays”.


Interesting .

I know that 毎日まいにち is like saying “every day,” but maybe 連日れんじつ is a word that means “consecutive days.” So it’s like saying something continues to happen “day after day,” I think.



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