月刊少女野崎くん 🖌️ Book Club・ Volume 6

月刊少女野崎くん (6)

月刊少女野崎くん Book Club

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Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers
Week 1 October 8th 51-52 3-30
Week 2 October 15th 53-54 31-60
Week 3 October 22nd 55-56 61-90
Week 4 October 29th 57-58 91-118
Week 5 November 5th 59-60 119-146



月刊少女野崎くん :paintbrush:

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The thread looks great, thank you @SeanBones! Looking forward to starting this volume :))


I just got back from Korea, and am going on a business trip today! I’ll be reading Nozaki on the train there, excited to begin this volume! Can’t wait to hear what you all think!


I really enjoyed the chapters for this week!

For chapter 51, it was super easy for me to follow, and Waka is kinsd of a himbo and its hilarious. He was almost Mikoshiba-esque this chapter!

52 was also really fun, but difficult for me to fully understand. I have a hard time following the video game episodes sometimes, and I think I need to go back later this week and try to breakdown what was happening in more detail so I can understand.

Overall, great chapters! Can’t wait to see what y’all thought!


Just finished chapter 52 today!!

This was one of my favorite panels/jokes

[/spoiler]The build up to it was SO perfect haha[/spoiler]

I really liked chapter 51, evil eyepatch Waka was hilarious! I don’t remember that from the anime, maybe we’re past what the anime covered now. But I really hope they bring that joke back

I agree, it took me a little longer to read the video game panels. The main thing I am still stumped on is the joke on the extra panel after the chapter when sakura goes

Looking forward to the next chapters!

Chapter 53 spoilers

I just love this Miyako’s college-mates misunderstandings.




LOL that finishing blow.


Agreed both on the excellent joke you mentioned and for the confusing part of chapter 52! I didn’t get the chance to look at it since I caught the flu!


Chapters 53 and 54 are open! I’ll tackle them tomorrow personally!


One of my favorite running jokes! I love who they repeat the scene from Ryousuke’s perspective and its so easy to see how he misinterpreted it. That and the panel where Ryousuke realizes he fucked up and asks Nozaki to sit down is gold!

For the last panel in the first Omake that you posted, I remember that respond vividly frmo when I read it in English that I knew what Chiyo was going to say but it burned even worse this time!

Great classic chapter with plenty of misunderstandings!


And to my DELIGHT it is a HoriKashi chapter!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Plenty of really cute moments ESPECIALLY page 58/ the second to last page of the chapter. A rare moment of vulnerability from Kashima! Loved it a lot, I live for the sweet sweet crumbs of HoriKashi romance!

Chapter 53

Yes, I love the part where he asks him to stand up and sit down, haha!! One detail that I love about it, is that at first you can tell how cocky he is by ordering 「おい、そこのおまえ!ちょと立ちな!」and then after he does immediately getting all polite by using 「ください」:joy:
But I love moments or understanding humor like that. When you can understand something written in its original language, that you can’t fully understand or get out of a translation :))


55 and 56 are open for consumption!!


Great chapters this week!


Love any chapter with Mayu in it, but wow this chapter just reminds me that if Chiyo was a guy this type of behavior would be taken MUCH differently! Still solid and we get to see Chiyo take a step closer in Nozaki’s life (I guess lol)


Back when I read in English, Seo/Waka weren’t my favorite, but I absolutely love reading them now. Not sure if I appreciate the joke’s and their simplicity in Japanese more or if I’ve just changed as a person haha. Had one of my favorite panels of the series so far!

Low quality cause I’m a paperback reader, but gosh I would love to have this image for reactions cause I think its perfect! (I anyone wants to screenshot and share I would be grateful!

Can’t wait to hear what y’all think!!


Dang you all read so fast/ahead haha

Chapter 54

YES, 1000% agree, they are so sweet :’) Height difference power couple

Chapter 56

Love how Wakamatsu’s jokes always end up with him somehow relating some event in shoujo manga :joy:


You are a saint thank you!!

Also agreed I love Waka connecting with the Shoujo tropes!

Chapter 57 spoilers

Nice to have a publishing-company chapter.

:joy: Sakura knows.

Chapter 58 spoilers

The himedako carry :joy:

I think this is my favorite punchline of this chapter


57 and 58 are now live!! Thanks to @2OC3aOdKgwSGlxfz for starting us off!!

I have a lot of business trips this week so I’ll be reading these later on the bus!!


Another set of great chapters!


As a fan of anything detailing the manga industry, a great chapter! I wonder how much Tsubaki-sensei is portraying what she thinks her old editorial department was up to behind the scenes (back when she was making Ore-Sama Teacher for Hana to Yume.

And @2OC3aOdKgwSGlxfz Sakura always knows when her crush is thinking about her rival hahaha.


Awwww, precious Mikoshiba really is bad with girls, deperate enough to ask Seo of all people to help him avoid additional female contact. And Waka is a little dummy. Great Miko moments with asking Sakura for help with the choir club, and Miko and Kashima’s ‘date’ :joy:

My other favorite panel is the Chorus Club trying to hold Seo down, one of the most intense panels in the manga lolol.


I finished the chapters on a plane ride yesterday!


I still liked chapter 57, but I really liked 58!! Perfect mix of absolutely hilarious and then also a really sincere moment. Chefs kiss