The first chapter is available for free on Hakusensha’s マンガPark site and app so you’re good for the first two weeks Hakusensha is the company who owns 花とゆめ which is the magazine that serializes 暁のヨナ.
**first week’s reading stops at the page ending with 雨の音。。。?いや
Maybe my browser is a bit picky then (Mobile Safari). In any case, it’s probably safest to put something between the slashes, e.g. /x/ - that’s what I usually do to shorten the link, and it worked well so far.
I started reading today and I have to say I was a bit thrown off by the sometimes use of (apparently) outdated kanji. But I hope I’ll get used to it as I read along.
I have some questions I’ve come across while reading. I’ll start listing them here. Would be awesome if anyone is able to help.
Page: 10
Speaker: Yona’s dad
Sentence: 変じゃないとも
Question: Is とも here と思う?
2)Page: 10
Speaker: Yona’s dad
Sentence: ヨナの美しさはどんな宝石も適わんさ
Question: Is 適わんさ a shortening of 敵わない? I’ve read about さ being a colloquial ending.
3)Page: 11
Speaker: Yona
Sentence: もっと可愛げある人がいい。
Question: What is the function of げある here? I tried searching my dectionary and it said when turning i adjectives into na adjectives/ nouns that you can add げ but it was always listed as げがある is the が omitted here?
Speaker: Hak
Sentence: 可愛くしとかなくて
Question: Is しとかなくて a shortening of しておく?
5)Page: 15
Speaker: Author’s commentary
Sentence: 描くのは----だった
Question: Can someone tell me the Kanji in this sentence? I am not sure what it is.
Page: 19
Speaker: Yona’s dad
Sentence: 同い年だから気も合うんだろう。
Question: Is 気も合う the same as 気が合う?
Page: 20
Speaker: Yona’s dad
Sentence: あの2人にだって持たせたくないくらいなのに
Questions: 待たせたくない Is causative plus to want, correct? So here it means I didn’t even want to let those two?
Page: 24
Speaker: Yona
Sentence: 思いつきり不審な目で
Question: Is 思いつきり here 思いつく? How is this being conjugated?
I’m quite confident to say that’s correct. It is causative + たい + negative.
aせる + たい + くない = aせたくない
武器を持たせない = I don’t want to let them hold/use weapons.
For the others I have the same questions. Especially when it comes for the fourth question. Hak says:
可愛いといえばいいんですか? 可愛くしとかなくて。
In the anime said something like: “About cute things, shouldn’t you try yourself to be cute?”
But I definitelly don’t understand the “shouldn’t you try” part.
By looking at Nana’s post, I think there is a small difference of 3 pages between the digital version and the paper version. I tried to subtract 3, but I don’t know if the pagese are right.
I’ve got some questions too.
page: 10
Speaker: Hak
Sentence: 姫様の髪が変などと誰が申しましょうか。
What is that 変などと? Is it 変な+など? The verb conjugation it is also unclear (keigo doesn’t help either lol)
I cannot breakdown this phrase properly.
page: 12
Speaker: yona’s dad
Sentence: 彼はヨナの髪なんて 今更だろうにいとこなんだから
Trying a Breakdown: [He] [such a thing as] [Yona’s hair] [now] [cousin]
Yeah I definitelly don’t understand this one >.<
page 19:
Speaker: yona
Sentence: 心臓の音がうるさくて余計眠れないじゃない
What role is playing 余計 here? (余計 = eccessive, unnecessary)
page 19:
Speaker: yona’s dad
Sentence: 同い年だから気も合うんだろう
Apparently also jisho has troubles with 気も合う
The table of contents lists the first page of the chapter as page 3. That’s the page with Yona’s silhouette. Maybe that’s the source of your confusion? What site did you buy yours from?
I think it’s 変な(の)だと(思う), but I also think I’m wrong.
申す+ましょう=申しましょう (volitional form)
I’m not sure either. 今更 can also mean “now (when it’s already too late).” I think the overall meaning is that he’s her cousin and he’s known her for years so it’s “too late” to fix her hair cause he knows what it looks like already. For reference, the Viz translation is “What difference would it make to him? They’re cousins.” I’m not sure how they got that from the Japanese line.
Another definition listed is “all the more” so it’s probably “all the more I can’t sleep”