暁のヨナ 第1巻 | vol2 thread link posted

Hi everyone,

I’m back with my questions for week 5. As always would be great if anyone is able to help.

  1. Page: 135
    Speaker: Hak
    Sentence: 気ィつけろよ
    Question: Is this just a cute way of writing 気をつける?

  2. Page: 135
    Speaker: Suwon
    Sentence: 降りつもった白い雪があったらまず大の字になって寝てみたくなるのが人情ってもんだぜ
    Question: What is the meaning / purpose of 寝てみたくなる here? I know the overall sentence is something along the lines of “It is only natural that people want to make snow angels / leave impressions of themselves in the ground when it snows”, but not sure what role this part plays.

  3. Page: 136
    Speaker: Hak
    Sentence: 雪ん中の遊びは姫さんにはキツかったか
    Question: What sort of grammar is the ん between 雪ん中 ?

  4. Page: 138
    Speaker: Hak
    Sentence: どーりで雪団子が俺の周りを飛んでると思った
    Question: Is どーり a shortening of something? I can’t find it in the dictionary, but I see a translation of “no wonder”.

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