There are some difficult sentences in this chapter. Here are my attempts to translate the sentences I had most trouble with, hopefully they are correct. Along with some questions. Sorry about missing page numbers, but I have no idea what they are (I use the Kindle version and the entire chapter two is on 3.5 pages for me, which don’t have any numbers.)
Then, he didn’t escape from this door. Why のでもない is used here and what exactly does it mean? What’s the difference between this form and simply にげなかった?
かの女は机の上にふたをとったままおかれている三つの薬びんのうちの一つをとりあげ、そのレッテルを読もうとした。だが、読めなかった。She picked up one of the three vials which were left on the desk with removed lids and tried to read the label, but she couldn’t read it. This まま stuff always drives me crazy.
それから、一、二分して、一夫と吾朗は、もうすっかり帰りじたくをすませ、理科教室へもどってきた。 Then, after one or two minutes, Kazuo and Gorou returned to the science classroom, ready to go home (= completely finished their preparations for going home). 一、二分して = after one or two minutes?
一夫は色の白い顔にとぼけたような表情を浮かべたまま、黒い瞳をくるくるまわし、開いたままの、理科実験室のドアをさしていった。 Still with a blank expression on his white face, Kazuo rotated his black eyeballs, and said, pointing at the science laboratory door which was still open.
「ばかだなあ、そんなことがあるもんか」 Idiot, it’s definitely not that.
和子は注射一本で、すぐに気づいた。After receiving a shot, Kazuko immediately regained consciousness. WTF, the science teacher gave her a shot himself? (As far as I understand the doctor still didn’t appear.)
「おいおい。貧血はぜったい安静だよ。だいじょうぶかい?」“Wait a minute! Anemia is absolute rest (?). Are you okay?” What does the middle sentence mean? Does it mean “Anemia requires absolute rest”? And then it’s enough for Kazuko to say “I’m okay” and he lets her stand up and go to the classroom? That’s kind of weird…
いちど母にラベンダーのにおいのする香水をかがしてもらったことがあるんです。Once my mother let me smell a scent of a perfume with lavender fragrance. Is it correct?