易, is it やさ or やす?

WaniKani has やさ as the kunyomi for this kanji, but Bunpro has やす… Does anyone know if there’s a subtle difference in use here? Or, are they interchangeable? Something else?


Both are correct, I think.




when in doubt you can always check jisho as well

both are accepted


If you mean this particular grammar point, I believe that it’s always やすい (and almost always spelled in kana in my experience). If you mean the stand-alone adjective then both 易い and 易しい exist but I think that 簡単 and 易しい are much more common than 易い.

やすい can also be 安い (cheap, calm) and やさしい can also be 優しい (kind), which are both more common than the 易 versions in my experience and according to JPDB’s frequency data.


The やすい (grammar structure) spelled 易い can probably appear in older works, much like 為 and 丈. I haven’t seen 易い as a standalone adjective, however.

The tiny difference between やさしい (優しい) and 簡単 is that something can be やさしい to understand, but 簡単 to do. At least that’s been my understanding so far :slight_smile: .

Both やす and やさ are valid kun’yomi readings of 易.

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My kanji dictionary says only やさ・しい is in the jouyou list, so if you’re going to pick one to teach, that’s probably the better one. (Personally I think for kun readings like this one it’s better to remember the whole word including the okurigana, because the just-the-kanji part of the reading doesn’t necessarily transfer over to other uses of the kanji with different okurigana.)


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