I have seen threads of kanji people like, and so I am wondering if people also have kanji they dislike.
Personally I have been having a really annoying time with 対, 場, and 所 and I feel contempt towards them when I see them in my reviews (which is very often because I keep getting them wrong every so often). In addition to that, they are not the most aesthetically pleasing kanji in my opinion, and that is why I dislike them.
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Maybe you gotta come up with a new mnemonic. For example, these two together form the word 場所, which has gotta be one of the more common words out there.
補 and 捕 annoy me so much because of how similar they are.
Keep getting tripped up by 逮 and 康 as well.
授 and 援 are so similar as well and it keeps messing me up…
徴 and 微 too omg
I find 稚 annoying just because I find it hard to link to its meaning of “immature”
I also find 端 so annoying, probably because I always remember it with the meaning “extreme” or “ultimate” which are vocab using it rather than remembering it as “edge”