古見さんは、コミュ症です。 😱 (Beginner Book Club) ・ Week 9

Week 9 15 April 2023
Chapter 17 and 18
End page 168
Page count 18
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In which parallel universe is this ever useful? If they didn’t write “便利” there several times, I would think that this is an elaborate prank. Which it probably is.

Komi is really cute in this one, especially when she’s in at-home mode.

some transcriptions

This time it’s Agari doing us dirty



There was a part of chapter 17 that I had a bit of trouble with, so any clarification would be really helpful.

Chapter 17

Ok, on the first panel Najimi is saying something about Komi - and being class president… but I don’t understand what specifically. The construction 収まる器 doesn’t make sense to me…

For the following panel: what does よって mean, is it something as for me/in my opinion? Basically Najimi is requesting that Komi has a higher title, is that it?

And for a bonus…

…what is a 副委員長?

Chapter 17

収まる = to occupy a role (kinda also has the vibe that one is being installed into their rightful place. Technically a different definition of the word, but it fits)

器 = ability; capacity; calibre

Essentially Najimi is saying:

“Komi-san is the type of person to fit in as the class president, isn’t she!?”

よって = therefore; consequently

Assistant class president/vice class president

副 basically just means like an assistant or deputy.

You see it in terms like 副大統領 being the title for Vice President of a country, or 副総理 for Deputy Prime Minister


Thank you! I didn’t know that could have that kind of meaning. Learning something new every day!

Also, really enjoyed this week’s chapters once again. This manga has been a pleasant surprise for me.


Well, it says “It has the feature that you only have to put the phone to your ear to be able to make a call”, right? This is the one and only function I actually expect from a phone, I guess it’s useful it can do that. Having that as your only selling point though does say a lot about the phone too :laughing:

Chapter 17

Is that the way you read it? So, the 「じゃないだろー」 at the end could not be an actual negative?

I read this part as “Komi-san is not the type of person to take the position of (something like) class president!” Because there is also the なんか placed behind class president making me think it has the implication of “such a low position as class president”.

And this would fit what Najimi says next better because Komi should not be the low position of class president but a higher position… Just my thoughts though, might be wrong because I’m still basically a beginner. Either way it’s not that much of a difference.


Funny, because I wouldn’t expect it from a modern cellphone. I would expect to have to click call. Not just have the right contact on screen and then lifting it to my ear (what if I have multiple numbers saved to the same contact, which would it pick?). But then I remembered landlines! And I would expect a dial tone if I lifted such a phone (although it would have no idea if I put it to my ear or not), but not automatically calling a specific person, because they weren’t that sophisticated. I think we had a landline phone towards the end that could store numbers, but even then you had to move to the right saved number and then click the call button, no fancy smancy gyroscope thingy that could notice specific movement that seemed to be putting the phone to an ear.

Ah, what memories. :joy:


Oh no I misunderstood everything! I kinda feel stupid now :sweat_smile: I didn’t think it meant only only putting it to the ear to call someone. I thought it was just a way to say you don’t have to put in the number every time you want to call… I guess then it’s much more un-便利 than I imagined. I think my phone makes the screen go black when I have it near my ear (maybe just through touch, not even gyroscope magic required!) Wait but it doesn’t start the call automatically so it might be more complicated still :thinking: Yeah landline phones, good stuff well maybe not so much nowadays anymore. I think the oldest one I used didn’t have any kind of saveable numbers, I can’t quite remember though. Okay, conclusion: Is it useful to have it automatically call when you put it to your ear? Probably not.


Ah, yeah, no, you’re right. I should have double-checked myself on context before answering the question. I was going off of hazy memory. :joy:

It is an actual negative.