古見さんは、コミュ症です。 😱 (Beginner Book Club) ・ Week 8

Week 8 8 April 2023
Chapter 15 and 16
End page 150
Page count 18
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These were some very cute chapters.

I was confused when Najimi said something about Komi’s Galápagos phone, then I looked it up:
Galápagos syndrome - Wikipedia


This weeks Najimi transcription (god damnit Najimi, speak in furigana please):



Took me a bit to recognize 変える, but then I promptly felt extremely stupid.


Ah, that’s honestly really interesting. I thought they were just referring to some specific brand of feature phones.


Same! I looked that up when someone said ガラ携 which is just a contraction of that. I love these kind of Japanese naming schemes.

question for p. 142

Tadano thinks なんで溜めたんだろう when Komi tells him she wants to have her friends’ phone numbers. What does this mean? 溜める apparently means to store or accumulate, so the sentence would translate to “Why did you collect them?” and I don’t know what this “them” is referring to; the phone numbers? Thanks for any help :smiling_face:

Edit: Is this なんで meant as a short form of なにで “how” / “by what means” by any chance? Then the question would be “How do you collect them?” which would make a little more sense because she wants to write them down on paper. Just spitballing here though.

p. 142

I’m not sure from where I have this feeling, but I’ve seen 溜まる used as you would “gathering courage” in english, and I think that’s the use here.

なんで here is indeed なにで or 何で and I think he’s asking why she needed to gather courage to say something like that.

Again, I’m not really sure where I got the idea that 溜まる is used in this way, but this is how I read it!

Page 142

溜める has a few more meanings; one of them is to stop. From goo, meaning 6:

とどめる。とめる。=> To stop / to cease.

In the previous panels Tadano watches Komi writing but she suddenly stops and stares at him. That’s why Tadano says なんで溜めたんだろう => “I wonder why she hesitated / stopped there”.

My interpretation is that in reality Komi was trying to ask for Tadano’s number, but she hesitates at the last moment.


I knew it is a phone, but never bother looking the etymology.

More than I think – フィーチャーフォン - Wikipedia

I thought that’s ()(しょ), got honestly confused :joy:


Yep, I don’t think this is the first time even, when a piece of background looks like it belongs to the text


late post, but very cute chapters!

Nothing much to add, except that one panel here contains a super good, very obvious example of something that’s pretty common in manga, but I’ve seen trip people up a lot when they first start reading. Might be useful as a teaching tool at some point so I’m saving it :laughing:

Using dakuten on kana for some kind of emphasis, especially crying. Nice that it contains both the example and an explicit reason for why it’s being written this way