丁 - Which English definition of ward?

Thanks for your answer!

I believe this one:

An administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councilor or councilors.

I don’t see any words using the kanji that have meanings resembling hospital wards or warding off danger, so that meaning makes the most sense.


Yes that’s what I see in real life too, but not on it’s own.

In town, I often see 町 or 丁目 (even smaller division) for neighborhoods as real words. You can see it on Google maps if you scroll in far enough in Japan. For instance, I’m looking at Yokosuka-shi and I see Odakicho, Honcho, and Shioiricho as neighborhoods using 町, but also Uwamachi and Midorigaoka at the same level. Within those, they all have 1丁目, 2丁目, etc. I thought those were just postal code-type descriptions, not political divisions, though. I could be wrong; I don’t know much about Japanese local government.

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Yeah, the Japanese word that’s usually translated to “ward” in English is 区, as in 渋谷区 in Tokyo or 左京区 in Kyoto.

I honestly don’t know why 丁 has a meaning of “ward”, because none of the compound words which use it seem to refer to administrative levels anywhere near that high.


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