Trying to do the full translation since I saw it done on the ABBC this week and I thought it would be good to try out!
P. 26
ちょっと川の様子見てくる!! - It’s going to look like a river!!
P. 27
なにそれ? - What’s that?/What do you mean?
古代人のマネ - The ancient people’s behavior…
この行為によってかなりの数の人類が死に至ったらしいよ - A considerable amount of them died in situations like this, you know
->(アイザック調べ - Isac investigated this)
人類ってばかなの? - Is mandkind dumb? (Said rhetorically, not an actual question)
うん。でも嵐の日外に出たいって気持ち。。。 - Yep. But on the day of the storm, there was a feeling of wanting to go out.
正直わかる!!! - Honestly, I get it (their desire to go outside)!!!
P. 28
いやっほーお!!! - yahoo!!!
そういうことするのやめなよ - You should have stopped after saying that
自分を抑えられない - I couldn’t help myself
でもほら。。。危ないだろ?怪我っとか。。。- But look, it’s dangerous, right? You could have gotten hurt.
あい - I think here this is just being used as a cut off version of はい, “yes”. I’m taking this as he doesn’t really want to admit his fault? Or that he’s hiccupping from being wet or something?
P. 29
ヒマだな〜 - I’m borrreeeddd
絵でも描くか - Should I draw a picture?
待って。いいもんあるよ。- Wait, there’s something good we can do.
P. 30
何これ - What’s this?
何だって。確かオイスターソースとかいう名前。- How do I say… I’m sure it’s called Oyster Sauce
人類が作ったゲームだって。アイサックくんが再現したんだ。- Mankind made this game and Isac recreated it.
ほほう - I see
指定された色のところに手や足を置いていく遊びらしい - It seems like you play by putting your hands and feet on specific color spots.
なんだ簡単じゃん!やるやる! - That sounds kind of simple! Let’s do it!
(右手を赤いに - right hand on red)
(2時間後 - 2 hours later)
え〜〜〜。次ラッカ。- eee, next, Rakka
左手みどり - Left hand, green
P. 31
あー。はい - aaa, got it
次オイラ - next, me
右足あお - right foot, blue
なあロジカ - Hey, Rojika
何 - what?
これ面白い? - Is this fun?
P. 32
脳みそが「自分何やってんだろ。。。」って訴えかけてきてる - I’m wondering, “What am I doing here”
分かる - I understand
もう飽きたし終わらせよう。どうやったら終わんの? - I’m tired of this. How do we end it?
えっ。知らない。- Ummm. I don’t know.
嘘だろ!? - You’re lying, right?!
アイサックさんから何も聞いてないの。。。? - You didn’t hear anything else from Isac?
聞くの忘れてた - I forgot what I heard
(ごめん - sorry)
P. 33
そんな。。。終わりがないなんて - No way… to think we can’t finish it
そんなの恐怖でしかない - That fear… it can’t be helped
。。。永遠なの? - (we’ll be here) for eternity?
永遠に続くの。。。? - It’ll continue for eternity?
もう戻れない - I can’t return anymore
P. 35
いやまだだ!まだ助かる道はある!! - No, wait! There’s still a way to get help!
P. 36
いちぬーけた - I’m the first to get out!!
終わらぬものはない - Not sure about this?? Maybe something like “You’re out of the game if you get out”
なぜなら自分で終わらせればいいからだ - That’s why, of my own accord, the game is done
P. 37
天才かよ - genius
再びヒマになってしまった - I’m bored again
なんか外静かじゃない? - Isn’t it kind of quiet outside?
P. 38
晴れてる!! やった!! - It’s cleared up!! yay!!
でかい水たまり - a huge puddle!
深かった - It’s deep!
こないだ掘った穴埋め忘れてた - I forgot to fill in those holes I dug the other day
やっぱ外はいいな - As expected, being outside is niceee
うん - yep
P. 39
オイスターソースは面白くなかったね - Oyster sauce can’t compare (to the excitement out outside), huh?
だね〜 - (agreeing)
でも新な発見はあった。終わらぬものはないという。- But, we made a new discovery. According to you, the game ends when someone gets out?? Same wording as before that I was confused about
そうだね。ちょうど。。。- That’s right. exactly…
やまない雨がないのと同じように - Let’s do the same next time the rain doesn’t stop.
There are definitely a few rough patches, but I think I got the gist of it at least?