ロジカとラッカセイ ・ Rojica and Rakkasei 🥜 Volume 3

Welcome to the Volume 3 discussion thread for ロジカとラッカセイ ・ Rojica and Rakkasei!

We read volume 1 and 2 of ロジカとラッカセイ together with the Beginner Book Club, and we are still going strong!

Since we expect less activity in offshoot clubs, there won’t be any weekly threads - it’ll just be this thread, with a post by me every week when we’re transitioning to the next part.

You can find the main thread for the book club here: ロジカとラッカセイ ・ Rojica and Rakkasei 🥜 (Beginner Book Club).

ロジカとラッカセイ ・ Rojica and Rakkasei Volume 3


Where to buy

Physical: Amazon | CD Japan
Digital: Kindle | BookWalker | Kobo


All discussion will happen in this thread. I’ll make a post when a new reading week starts.

Week Start Date Chapter Pages No. of pages with text
Week 1 September 16 18 5-16 9
Week 2 September 23 19 17-54 33
Week 3 September 30 20 55-62 7
Week 4 October 7 21 63-78 13
Week 5 October 14 22 79-90 10
Week 6 October 21 23 91-112 20
Week 7 October 28 24 113-157 37
Week 8 November 4 番外編 思い出 158-163 4
Week 9 November 11 Last Chapter 163-221 45
  • Pages are physical page numbers (they are printed on some pages). Ebook reader pages might be off by a bit.
    • Page offset on Amazon Kindle: Location - 3. E.g. location 28 is physical page 25.
    • Page offset on Bookwalker: Number in bar below - 2 (left) / - 3 (right). E.g. when the bar below shows 9, the left page is physical page 7, the right one physical page 6.
  • No. of pages with text is the amount of pages with more than one short sentence.

Vocabulary Sheet

Week 1 September 16 2023
Pages 5-16
Chapter 18
  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
0 voters

I’ll have to finish the schedule on Sunday. I don’t have any time today, but there was no point delaying the thread for this.

Chapter 18

Well, that was pure awww.

Chapter 18

Cute! I’m glad Rakkasei appearing out of the sky was something that was felicitous for Rojica too!

I wonder if everyone from the ジカ tribe is named something-ジカ.

Chapter 18

Yeah, it’s like they were made for each other! Rakkasei, all alone and possibly the last of their species, immediately meets someone who loves them with all their heart. And Rojica, from a species which easily succumbs to loneliness and with the need to form a family, meets their new family member just like in his clan’s legend. This chapter was so cute!

Week 2 September 23 2023
Pages 17-54
Chapter 19
  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
0 voters
Chapter 19

I guess this chapter doesn’t really matter much in the grand scheme of things, but I enjoyed it for the way it played with my emotions. Is the creepy fox lady a youkai looking for a snack? Is she falsely accused? Will Rakka kill her? Will anyone get eaten? Stay tuned until the very end…and even now we don’t know if Monjiro will be turned into an ingredient for the mushroom soup.

Week 3 September 30 2023
Pages 55-62
Chapter 20
  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
0 voters

Even in terms of chapter-length, with this manga you never know what to expect :laughing:
But I like it that way because it makes room for some more unexpected scenario, unlike in a manga where you know the chapter lengths are all the same, and when you get to where there are about X pages left you know it’s time to wrap up the chapter. But here, anything can happen :hushed:


I know right - I read 20 pages instead of chapter 20, and at the end I was thinking, eh? Already? But I enjoyed it as a short, fun chapter! You never know what to expect indeed, which is part of the fun.


This may come in handy for people who are struggling to work out what is going on in the first few pages of this chapter.


A nice demonstration of how confusing kana-only texts can be :joy:

Thank you for the link! I was not familiar with that yet so I was definitely struggling :smile:

And here’s a link for the last few pages (which I’m sure most of you already found on your own):

So how does Rakkasei have this mental image of what a Gioyanno looks like if she’s the only human left… :thinking: Does アイザック have a stash of Jojo manga somewhere?


For a mix of busy and forgetfulness, I’m gonna have to play catch-up on this. Just read chapter 18 though, it was nice. Hoping to read some more soon.

Week 4 October 7 2023
Pages 63-78
Chapter 21
  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m skipping this book
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
0 voters
Chapter 21

I know we’ve had some sad stories before, but this one just tugged on my heartstrings :frowning: Poor Nana… and the seller of the 美しいもの is just creepy… glad that Rakka and Rojika didn’t buy anything from him. On another note, I really appreciated that we finally understand why Grace is the way she is.

Chapter 21

Very creepy! The seller and the price he wants gives me vibes of Needful Things from Stephen King.

Chapter 21

Yeah, I’m glad that we got to get her backstory too!

To me he just feels inhuman. Not evil at all, just with a completely different set of values. I feel like he wouldn’t even understand why we are horrified about what happened: He was clear what the price was, gave her what she wanted, and got something beautiful out of it, so surely everyone is content with that?

I wonder if all his wares have such a sad backstory. At least the soul pearls (I forgot the name) he has must have.

It’s such a good chapter.


I think he lost his humanity when he fell off the wall. Especially when all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put him back together again.

Chapter 21

Great chapter. Like everyone else, I was also very satisfied to find out what the deal with Mrs.Grace is. There were also so many intriguing hooks I found it hard to keep myself from reading on. Like what’s in the mystery box? What did Isaac find out about the NOAH’s plan?