We’ll be starting a new book in November:
Welcome to 10分で読める伝記(2年生) - 10 Minute Biographies (2nd Grade Reader) Book Club!
We read this book between November 2020 and April 2021. The book is available as a digital book or a physical book.
We read this as the Absolute Beginner Book Club. This book club aims to help readers who are new to native Japanese content successfully read their first book. We try and pick books that are a good level for beginners, read at a steady pace, and encourage readers to ask any basic question about the …
You can check out the Absolute Beginner Book Club home thread here:
Currently Reading: ホリミヤ • Horimiya
Coming Next: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん・ Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
Welcome to our Japanese book club for absolute beginners! In this club, we choose a Japanese book and read it together. We then discuss what we’ve read, whether that’s meaningful discussion on the content, questions about vocabulary and grammar that confuse us, or just motivating each other to keep moving.
What Does Absolute Beginner Mean?
This bookclub is aimed at readers who are tac…
You can also pick the current manga or a previous book club book, and you have access to all our discussion threads and vocabulary lists, and you can still ask questions on the weekly threads.