デスノート ・ Death Note 📓 短編集 | Short stories

After the One day chapter I have the headcannon that the tennis game that L and Light played wasn’t actually an impressive show of skill but just in their heads. I don’t understand how someone that sits all day (in a weird pose) and another one that just studies and eats potato chip would be as athletic as they seemed there. The people that gathered to watch them were impressed by how bad they were haha

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(かがみ)太郎(たろう)(へん) (1/2)

(Page 165-189 = just before the big Ryuk pages)


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So this one is set before Kira existed, and probably before 英語 was as prevalent in the japanese youth, which makes it an interesting origin story for the death note rules being written in the book I think. Poor 太郎くん, he really had no chance

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(かがみ)太郎(たろう)(へん) (2/2)


I feel a little uneasy when almost everyone is named ABCDEKN, and OX station

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Poll (spoiler)

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That was interesting, the concept of a DEATH eraser is pretty funny, and I think this is the first death note story ever to end well.

With the story in mind, my answers for the poll are: 1) B 4) A 5) B 6) B

Well that wraps it up, pretty fun stories over all, can’t believe we are done! Thanks for running the group @polv, even when it was only us two for most of it, and I’ll be seeing you around!

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My thought on the last story

I wonder when did the writer write the last story. The logic doesn’t seem strong sometimes.

Still, the story is fun and interesting. And 太郎くん retains the book and memory. (Say, gun rights?)

Dropping a second Death Note is a good job, Ryuk. Now, where should Ryuk haunt? What about one of the owners moving houses?

An eraser mostly works on a pencil, and no so well for pens, if even possible. So, both owners using pencils (mechanical pencils, perhaps), is very lucky.

Using an eraser ignores tampering with the corpse other cremation, such as forensic examination, organ donation, and preparing the corpse for the funeral. Not to mention simply postmortem changes. Even if the heart were to beat again, the body would be very diseased, even if the blood could somehow still flow.

Rules in the Death Note are slightly different, like tearing a page and using a scrap.

Answers to the questionnaire

1 - B
4 - A
5 - C (ひょっとして、特に変わらない)
6 - B (人殺しが簡単になるのは、いいと思えない)

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Yeah, the tone of the story is a bit weird, it was pretty funny how they revived magically and just went to school on the next day (and the detective saying that they shouldn’t got interview them now because they were in class was also funny)

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