デスノート ・ Death Note 📓 Vol. 4

Volume 4 (こい)(ごころ) Discussion Thread

Start Date: August 20th, Sat
Previous: Volume 3
Next: Volume 5

Death Note Vol. 4

Death Note Home Thread

Vocabulary List

Please read the editing guidelines in the first sheet before adding any words! There might not be many new vocabularies later on, so feel free to see former chapters’ vocabularies.

Reading Schedule

We are going at the pace of 1 week per chapter. Each week starts on Saturday. There are roughly 20 pages per chapter.

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur out major events in the current week’s pages, and any content from later in the book/series, like this: texthere
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number (or % for eBooks).
    • As for this volume in eBook version (Bookwalker monochrome), subtract 1 from eBook page number
  • To you lurkers out there: join the conversation, it’s fun!


The volume’s participation poll is here. Note that you can always change your choice. Marking participation behind the schedule is OK, too.

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There will also be participation polls throughout this discussion thread as we reach each chapter :grin:


I should have put I am no longer reading this series, instead of Probably not, but oh well…

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26 - 転倒(てんとう)

:musical_note: fun-more

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Light is such a problem child

Why would you just hang up on your father mid-sentence like that, so disrespectful

This chapter had some funny faces

We have cocaine L

Noseless teadrinker L

Chonky Light

The most expression I’ve seen out of L so far, just plain shock

Ok, this one takes the cake as the most expression now, this was such an eventful chapter


27 - 戀心(こいごころ)

こ・ろ・し・か・た・ :heart:

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Light trying to convince them that shinigamis don’t exist while Ryuuk is chilling by his side was hilarious


28 - 判定(はんてい)

つき君 :heart:

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Story comments

I remember Misa is usually thought of as dumb, but honestly her plans have been really smart so far, even basically outsmarting Light in this chapter.

Story comments

Agreed. She is in no way dumb, just “not as smart as national number one” Light, but by far one of the smarter people still. She is just obsessed with Kira, and therefore manipulatable, but in no way dumb.


29 - 武器(ぶき)


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Ahh light, if only you put as much thought into your own moral code… But then there would be no manga haha

More on last week's comments

Even light himself recognizes Misa is no dummy here!

Red flag right there


30 - 爆彈(ばくだん)

Me reading the manga

ミサ is funny, perhaps I will summarize later.

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God this chapter was supercharged with funny moments, I went a bit wild on the comments

Story comments

I wonder why L decided to use his real name here, since he usually just calls him by his 偽名

This is basically fanart. I like how the author mimicked what Misa’s art would look like, making him lankier and with 少女漫画 details in general



She is basically us now, also

God it gets better by the minute, just calling her お母さん now hahaha

And now the sister is us hahaha

I keep feeling like the Misa hate is misplaced. Like she is being super reasonable (within the terms of her insanity) by just putting boundaries in what she thinks is her new relationship with Light. I feel like the main problem is Light being a psycopath and not understanding how to handle human relationships

In addition

Knight on white horse, but I think it can also be read as Night, as in 夜神.

Otherwise, sweetness is pretty much on fanfic level. But, I think Misa is throwing everything at 一目惚れ, and can be a little weird? (And caring too little for her 死神 somehow.)

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31 - 簡單(かんたん)


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Chapter highlights

Had a laugh at the bookmarks, of course Light uses Mac. Also, who has a bookmark that says Internet explorer? Is that porn? We will never know

You were the one that wasn’t listening Light, god

This is a cute panel


Light and his temper, starting to show. Pretty funny stuff

Story comments: Light is so manipulative, and it just gets worse if I remember correctly. L is like ¨"you’re my first friend Light" and not even 20 minutes later he’s plotting to kill him. Talk about psycopath.


Oh I missed the internett explorer. Wow, I do NOT miss that browser!
First thing I did on new computers was always to open explorer to download a different browser, and then never use it again :wink:

As for last line. Yup, Light going “oh, we are friends?” then uses it to start manipulate how to use it to kill him :grimacing:


32 - (かけ)

Playboy power. Also, ガンバレ!

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It was hard to stop at the end of this chapter, I sneak a peek at the first page of the next one and I just wanted to continue hahaha. I don’t remember the details of this part so I’m excited


33 - 移動(いどう)

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