チーズスイートホーム: Week 4 Discussion (Chapters 10-12)

I try to think of the words I don’t know at first as an opportunity to practice using that oh so important context to figure things out. It’s not 100% the same, but getting used to looking for cues can help when important things start being omitted in more advanced speech.

If Chi is just not at the level of difficulty/interest that you want, maybe try the beginner book club or wait until the next book here?

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I’m not sure what to say in reply or even if I should write a reply.

These chapters frustrated me because I couldn’t infer meaning in almost any sentence, because so many sentences were all unknown words, (just a quirk of these chapters) and therefore I had to look it all up, toggling between the manga and looking at the vocab sheet for every speech bubble on a page gets exhausting and makes the reading disjointed. And the cuteness of the manga couldn’t make up for it.

Thanks for the advice, although unnecessary in this case. I just needed to express my frustration a bit, and I wasn’t looking for advice.

Could someone help me with page 88, please? The father says “お前が遊ぶ物なんだぞ”

I never understood what the なん part in sentences. What does なん mean? I know they’re both particles, but what do they mean?

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It’s explanatory-tone んだ, which needs be preceeded by a な when it follows a noun.


I know that feeling! You feel like you are making some progress and then you get a brutal reminder of how little you really know! Hang in there, hopefully each difficult week is one step closer to understanding this tricky language a little better.


Yup, exactly that.

Thankfully I also read graded readers which are right at my level or just +1 so I can learn a bit easier from reading and enjoy it.

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I’m usually the opposite way: Most things feels like I know nothing, but then I get to a line or page where I got everything and feel I’ve gotten so far! :rofl:


Where might I find these “graded readers” of which you speak?

For a full list, check out the Graded readers and parallel texts book club. I’m a regular poster there, checking in as I finish volumes of the graded readers series I decided to buy, which right now I am finishing rather slowly since I also read Chi and some other things. :slight_smile: