コウイチのフラダンスの実力は本物です。— Can you read this sentence and understand what it means?

コウイチのフラダンスの実力は本物です。— Can you read this sentence and understand what it means?

Yes, you’re right. Something about Koichi’s hula dance… Anyway, keep reading if you want to know more about Koichi’s hula (or not).

コウイチ: Koichi. A Japanese male name (also one of the WaniKani creator people).

フラダンス: That’s what “hula dance” looks like in katakana.

実力 LV.9: True Ability. 実 (true) + 力 (power).

本物 LV.9: The Real Thing. 本 means “a book” but 本物 is not a “Book Thing.” In this case, same as 本当 (really), 本 means “real.”

Let’s break it down!

Although the subject is a little long - consisting of three words chained with の, the sentence structure is pretty simple and basic:

______は●●です。= ______ is ●●.

______ = コウイチ の フラダンス の 実力

Koichi’s hula dancing true ability

●● = 本物

The real thing.
In this case, to sound more natural, we can translate it to “genuine” or “legitimate.”

The answer

Koichi’s hula dancing abilities are genuine.

…I mean I’ve never seen him hula dancing yet, but who could expect that Koichi was that good at hula dancing?

Make a sentence using 実力 and 本物 (or either of them) for practice. I’ll proofread/correct for ya :wink: !


I pretty much got it right away, the only word I didn’t know was フラダンス.

Is that sword the real Excalibur?

I do also believe Koichi’s hula dancing is a true sight to behold.


Woman office worker Ms. Retsuko’s true talent is singing death metal songs.

I just began watching a show about this on Netflix. Many people have recommended it to me.

フラダンス is a tough one because my mind is already locked into “fu” as the reading.

I feel like these sentences are awkwardly worded, but I’ll give it a shot anyway.


This is my (manly) genuine technique! (I’ll) show (my) ability. You are already dead!

(In the first sentence, the だ is for emphasis. It would probably be more normal to omit it, right?)

I thought フラダンス was “Flower Dance” even though I have no idea what that is if it it was. :joy:

Here’s my attempt:


What I intended to say:

My Japanese speaking ability is genuine!

(I hope to be in the future! :grin:)


This is not my true power. The real thing is stronger than god.

Always wanted to say cool thing like that.

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Didn’t know what Excalibur was :crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:, but great job on the 作文! :white_flower:

You could add or at the end of the sentence, but not biggie. :slight_smile:

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You can say “someone has 実力 of doing 〜,” but somehow we don’t say “someone’s 実力 is doing 〜.” 実力 could be “talent,” but it’s more about ability, I think.

So in this case, you can follow the sentence structure of Koichi’s hula:


you could also say:

The OL, Retsuko has great ability of singing death metal.

or ( to make it sound more natural,)


The OL, Retsuko is a death metal singer with great ability.

How’s the show, btw?? I haven’t watched it yet but am being really curious!

I didn’t expect フラダンス to be hard to figure out, but seems like it’s not only you! :astonished:

You did a great job overall, but I’d change it to something like:


If you say 俺様の本物の技, that sounds like “my technique (that’s genuinely mine)” so I replaced it with 究極, which means “ultimate.” But the use of 実力 is very proper - we often say 実力を見せる or 実力を見せつける as a phrase💮

Also, the だ at the end of the first sentence surely adds the 北斗の拳 vibe👌 Atatatatata!giphy

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That sounds fun and cute :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:

For the exercise…

I’d change this to…

It was very close!

Remember you:

  • use を as a particle for speaking (話す) a language
  • don’t need の for connecting a verb and a noun (This is a very common mistake)

Let’s keep learning/trying and your Japanese will be 本物 :wink::raised_hands:!

or if you wanted to emphasize your true power not being performed as it could be, you could also say:
My true power isn’t like this

This works also :white_flower:, but you could implement the info to clarify that your true power > god’s power saying like:

I also omitted 神様’s 様, because the sentence feels aggressive (because of 俺) so I removed the politeness for using 様 for 神様 :wink:

:100::100::100: and it’s a good mnemonic for sure! :apple::apple::apple:

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