カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Week 9

Welcome to the ninth week of the カードキャプターさくら :cherry_blossom: Card Captor Sakura Book Club!

Week 9 2nd November 2024
Refurbished Edition
Start Page 95
End page 108
Original Edition
Start Page 91
End page 104
End phrase 安心(あんしん)してプールで(およ)がれへんで
Pages 14
Last Week Week 8
Next week Week 10
Home Thread カードキャプターさくら
Last Panel


See also Manga Kotoba

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  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
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Proper Nouns

Name Reading Image Notes
木之本桜 きのもと さくら Main character
大道寺知世 だいどうじ ともよ Sakura’s cousin and best friend
木之本桃矢 きのもと とうや Sakura’s Older Brother
月城雪兎 つきしろ ゆきと Sakura’s Older Brother’s Best Friend
ケルベロス Sakura’s companion

Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!
  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?


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Also, especially if you’re behind or dropped out or thinking of it, I posted a number of polls in the home thread to get opinions:


This time, I have not read the whole thing in advance. But it looks simple enough, now that we’ve reached cruising speed.


This is my first book club (and first time reading anything longer than a couple pages in Japanese) but I’m really enjoying the experience! I primarily keep a notepad document of words I don’t know while reading, and check them in Google translate - not the most accurate way to look things up, but I often know some of the kanji so it jogs my memory.

This is the last of the weeks that I “read ahead,” since I was on vacation:

The pool demon is so much more harrowing than a strong wind, lol. I liked figuring out Tomoyo’s joke about why she was able to save Sakura.

As I’ve gone on reading this, it’s been interesting to notice the differences between “character voices” - especially Sakura and Tomoyo, or Yukito and Touya. Not something I thought about before, and the contrast has been really good lately.


Another thing that’s worked well for me: I have a JP keyboard installed on my phone, and can type in the furigana and it autocompletes to possible kanji readings. Maybe everyone already does this, but it really helps when I can’t quite make out what a kanji is supposed to be!


This time, I did have time to translate a couple pages. I may do some more during the week.

page 91

It’s neat that we can choose either the school cafeteria or a bento !

The teacher is also different for each course !

Sakura ! You look super cheerful today ! (I’m skipping the chit chat in the back)

Indeed ! Because it’s POOL DAY !

page 92

Sakurachan, you’re really good at sports ! (“have a very good motor nerve” ?)

Aaaha, not really.

Ah, I [unfortunately] heard scary stories [that I can’t unhear]

My big sister was at the pool the day before yesterday

[panic, panic]

She said she was pulled… by her foot

page 93

Wasn’t it someone pulling a prank on her ?

No. It was clearly something else.

Furthermore, yesterday during the third year class “pool period”, they were pulled by their feet and hands !

Are you okay, Sakura ?

Y - Y - Yes… I’m f…. fine…

page 94

Uuuuu… It’s finally the pool day I had been looking forward to, but the scary story and trouble is baaaad. (not sure about the exact structure of this one.)

It’s… It’s alright, right !

I’m feeling good !

Tomoyochan ! Let’s swim !

page 97

Are you alright, Kinomoto ? (Sir, you should have been in the water the moment that first girl cried)


Someone helped / rescued me ?

Thank you, Tomoyo chan ! (This lifeguard is useless)

It’s good that to were drowning within 5 meters (to the place where you were drowning, it was in the 5 meters)

…because I can’t swim beyond 10 meters.

handwritten: if it was beyond 10 meters, I would have drowned too, haha !

page 98

Almost drowned ??? (Interesting piece of grammar here)

(Dad is not here because of work, so [Kero] left [my] room)

Sakura, at least your athletic skills are good…

What do you mean ?

I won’t give more pancakes.

(Sudden deference) Aaa, Mrs. Sakura !

How is it ?

I don’t think it was a ghost or anything.

If it had been a ghost, I’d never have gone. (again, not exactly sure about what she means)

(CERTAIN - why is she so serious?)

page 99

Or rather… I did not feel scared. Instead… It was something familiar…

Felt like when encountering a Clow Card ?

I’m home !

Kero chan ! The room ! Go to my room !

page 100

Welcome !

YOU ATE SELFISHLY (I’d expect a negative imperative here, but maybe the handwritten part is more clear. I’ll try later)

That looks tasty !

YUKITOSAN ! (sakura’s vision)

page 101

Hel…hello !

Sakura chan, you’re good at cooking ! (おじゃまいします - sorry to bother you, standard sentence when entering someone’s home )

Not… not really…

Indeed, not at all (I suppose that’s what he means, but his sentence is not negative, so…)

Em… If it’s okay to you, why not eat a hotcake ?

Is it okay ? Did you buy them with your pocket money ?

It’s all right ! I’ll bring them to big bro’s room afterward !

(I feel like there’s some sarcasm in the last couple pages that I don’t entirely get)

page 102

Thank you.



I can’t knock… both hand are busy

Thank you for the effort !

page 103

It’s… nothing…

Er… how did you know, even though I could not knock ?

Somehow, I wondered whether you had come.

page 104

What happened ???

I’m so happy ! YU KI TO SA N

What about the card capture mission ?

And then I can’t really get that last sentence :frowning:

Some sentence I not entirely sure of. But with context, everything is sounds good enough.


All done!

I really like the fact that we arrived in the usual loop of adventures, not anymore in the introduction phase with lore dumps and concept explanations. Now it is only Sakura having daily errands between her card hunting job and her teenager life.

I want to eat pancakes now!


If anyone can check my translation of pages 94, 98, 100, 101 and 104, I have some uncertainty / questions in those. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

So, just an attempt here at answering some of the questions you brought up. Hopefully others will chime in also, and/or correct anything I’ve gotten wrong!

page 94

I think the second part of that sentence "わたしこわい話とこんにゃくはだめなんだよ”, translates to something along the lines of “I’m no good with scary stories or konjac jelly” - There is a dropped は after わたし, I think, so ‘As for me, scary stories and konjac jelly are no good’. (No clue why she brings up konjac, but according to Jisho, that’s what こんにゃく is… And the handwritten part seems to be talking about disliking a ‘mushy/lumpy texture’…)

page 98

Not a question you had, but I think this line "運動神経だけはええのに” translates to “Even though only your athletic abilities are good”. So, including the part from the previous panel, Kero is teasing her a bit - “You almost drowned!? Even though your only good point is your athletic abilities…”
Which is why Sakura responds "だけってなによう” - “What do you mean ‘only’!?” and then says she won’t give Kero any pancakes. :laughing:

As for the ghost line, “幽霊だったらわたしぜったいだめだもん”, I think she’s just saying “If it were a ghost, I’d definitely be no good/I definitely couldn’t do anything”…

page 100

Jisho says one definition of ‘勝手に’ is ‘without asking’, so I think she’s just shouting “You just ate it without asking!?” The handwritten part, if you’ve not gotten to it yet, is “せっかくおこづかいでホットケーキミックスかったのに”, which I believe translates to “Even though I bought the pancake mix with my own allowance”, which definitely explains why she’s upset!

page 101

I think this is just Touya teasing Sakura. :laughing: She responds to Yukito’s complement to her cooking with the shy/modest “Oh no, not really…”. And Touya is like, “Yeah, she really isn’t any good” - I believe the ‘ねぇ’ is used as a super-casual version of 'ない’ here to make it a negative?

page 104

So, I think the lines in that last panel you didn’t translate were:
“Yukito-san is more important than the cards.” - Sakura.
I think this is the 'より’…'ほうが’ grammar point, where ‘より’ marks the lesser option (‘のほうが’ isn’t there, but I think it’s implied that it would be attached to ‘Yukito’, to indicate that he’s the greater/more important option)…

“Oi, oi, if you don’t do something, you won’t be able to relax in the pool.” - Kero
The Kansai-ben makes this hard to parse out fully, but I think ‘なんとか’ translates to ‘somehow’ (and I’m assuming he’s talking about ‘somehow doing something’), 'あんしんする’ is ‘to relax’ or ‘to feel safe’, ‘プールで’ is ‘in the pool’, and ‘泳がれる’ is the potential form of ‘to swim’. Plus ‘へんで’ as the Kansai-ben negative?

PG 91
  • You can choose between the school cafeteria or a bento, so it’s convenient!
  • Teachers are also different for different subjects, you know.
  • Sakura, today looks like it’s going to be good!
  • Because today is a pool day!
PG 92
  • Sakura, your natural abilities are really good!
  • Haha, no, not at all…
  • Oh, but I heard this story that’s a bit scary.
  • Huh?
  • My older sister is in 6th grade and was at the pool the day before yesterday.
  • And then… her leg was pulled.
PG 93
  • It wasn’t someone’s prank?
  • Nope, definitely not.
  • Then, yesterday, when pool time came, a 3rd year had their hand and foot pulled.
  • Sakura, are you okay?
  • Y…y.y.y.yyeah…
PG 94
  • Uuuuugh, even though I really was looking forward to the pool, scary stories and konjac are no good!
  • It, it’s fine!
  • Feels good…
  • Tomoyo, swim too!
PG 95
  • AAA!!
  • Chiharu!!
  • What is that?!
PG 96
  • Woah
  • Woahhhhh
PG 97
  • Are you okay, Kinomoto?
  • Huh?
  • Thank god!
  • Who helped saving?
  • Thanks, Tomoyo!!
  • It’s a good thing you were drowning within 5 meters.
  • Because I can’t swim more than ten meters!
PG 98
  • You nearly drowned!?
  • Because my dad is busy with work, Kero can leave the room.
  • At least your athletic abilities were just good enough.
  • What do you mean “just”?
  • I’m not giving you any hot cakes.
  • Aa… Master Sakura…
  • I don’t believe in ghosts and stuff.
  • What?
  • If it was a ghost, I would have been absolutely no good.
PG 99
  • I mean, I felt a scary sensation.
  • It feels like I know something more…
  • Like when you encountered the Clow Card?
  • I’m home!!
  • Kero! Room!
  • Go to my room!
PG 100
  • Welcome back…
  • YOU SELFISH EATER something something
  • Seems tasty!
  • Yukito!
PG 101
  • …hi
  • Sakura, your cooking is good, yeah?
  • No… not at all…
  • Yeah, not at all.
  • Would you like to eat a hot cake?
  • You sure? Did you buy it with your allowance?
  • Of course, later, I can take it to my brother’s room.
PG 102
  • Thanks
  • ~Happiness~
  • I can’t knock…
  • Is that the hard worker?
PG 103
  • N…no
  • Umm, how did you know even though I didn’t knock?
  • For some reason, I just thought you came.
PG 104
  • What happened?
  • Happy…
  • Yu ki to …
  • What about the Card Captor mission?
  • The mission can wait… Yukito…
  • Hey, hey, if you don’t do something, you can’t relax in the pool!!

A fun week this week! I can’t tell if the pages are getting easier, my standards for translation are dropping, or if I’m really learning much more but the past two weeks have been really good for the confidence. The first couple weeks took me ages, and now I can pretty easily do a reading in an hour or so. This weeks reading was really cute too!!


Hello all, this is my first post even it is now Week 9. I wanted to share my experience as someone with less knowledge.
I only level 8 WK and as I started I had doubts whether it might be too hard and I will drop out.
I must say found this reading club enormously helpful.
When I read I first lookup unfamiliar words and then try to guess the meaning before looking up the proper translation.
In the first weeks my translation attempts were completely wrong.
I read all the discussions, check other people’s translations, look up grammar, and also have AI to explain the sentence structure. Now in many cases my initial guess is close to correct translation.
In short, I enjoy reading along and find it very useful. I won’t quit. Thank you all :slight_smile:


This is awesome!! Seems like we’re all getting a little better as we go along! :slight_smile:

pg 98


幽霊とか - a ghost or something

じゃない - is not

と思う I think

の - explanatory

“It isn’t something like a ghost, I think” or in natural English, “I don’t think it’s a ghost or anything”

pg 99

This is actually a negative here. There wasn’t a scary feeling (like there would have been if it was a ghost), more, a feeling that she seemed to know (like the other times meeting the clow cards).

pg 104

The line is just: カードーより雪兎さんだよ
This is one of those sentences where there’s not much information. Literally, “more than the cards… Yukito-san.” Implying he’s more important than the cards. より would be the 〜より 〜のほうが grammar point but with everything else left out lol.


Thanks so much for this! The last one was more just a non-literal translation but I totally flubbed the other two. Haven’t seen explanatory の yet in my studies either really so I’ll look into that :slight_smile:

1 Like

It’s basically an abbreviation of んだ which itself is the casual form of のです

In general, だ is a lot more optional in casual speech than introductory textbooks explain. Like I’ve seen people make the arguments (that I’m not in a position to judge the validity of) that since だ is omitted so often by younger generations, they use it more tactically as a strengthening tone marker than as its original grammatical purpose.


Next week’s thread is up:


I was able to read week 9’s section in one go and I’m all caught up. Hooray! I wasn’t translating in too much detail, but I’m getting enough to have a general idea of what’s going on. I think my time in Japan has helped make things go a little more smoothly!

Sakura is being goofy as ever, haha.


Read this section all in one go as well. I’m getting so much faster than the first few weeks and it feels amazing :smiley: Thanks everyone for the translations as always, it really helps me confirm some of the phrases and nuance I’m getting a handle on picking up. I think this is the the least amount of lookups I’ve had to do so far!


Got pretty sick for a week and fell behind a whole extra week again. I was pleasantly surprised to find I was able to crush this one out in about 30min, compared to the multiple hours it used to take me in the early chapters. It makes me feel more confident that I might be able to actually catch up and be on pace again.

Much like @jablekanji I’m sort of wondering if I’m just getting more comfortable with getting the “gist” of things instead of translating every word, or god forbid…I might actually be learning?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Awesome!! I guarantee if you keep reading, you’ll notice more gains :chart_with_upwards_trend: very quickly!