カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Week 13

Welcome to the thirteenth week of the カードキャプターさくら :cherry_blossom: Card Captor Sakura Book Club!

Week 13 30th November 2024
Refurbished Edition
Start Page 163
End page 179
Original Edition
Start Page 155
End page 171
End phrase なにかいいたいことがあるのかきたいもん
Pages 15
Last Week Week 12
Next week Week 14
Home Thread カードキャプターさくら
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Proper Nouns

Name Reading Image Notes
木之本桜 きのもと さくら Main character
大道寺知世 だいどうじ ともよ Sakura’s cousin and best friend
木之本桃矢 きのもと とうや Sakura’s Older Brother
月城雪兎 つきしろ ゆきと Sakura’s Older Brother’s Best Friend
ケルベロス Sakura’s companion

Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!
  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?


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Hi all! We’re almost done :smiley:

This week’s reading was really sweet! (I also kept thinking that everyone has really absent parents, lol).

I liked Yukito calling Tomoyo’s bodyguards サングラスしたお姉さんたち


Some trickier, longer dialogue in here. Hopefully, a couple calls to DeepL should be enough to “unlock” comprehension.

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Ok, taking a first crack at translation! I don’t think I’ve ever actually posted one in the 13 weeks, here we go :see_no_evil: (as an side, does anyone know how to do line breaks within a detail? Seems like if I try to do a line break, the detail formatting breaks too)

pg 155

Tomoya: Sakura! | (phone ringing) purururu purururu | Phone: My mom is here | Kero: Mom?! / Tomoya: Sakura’s mom passed away 7 years ago…

pg 156

Sakura: Are you really my mom? | Sakura: Mom! | Kero: Sakura!

pg 157

Tomoya: Kero! | Tomoya: Eh?

pg 158

Sakura: Mom… | Sakura: It hurts…mom…

pg 159

Sakura: Who…?

pg 160

Yukito: Have your eyes woken up? | Sakura: Yukito! | Yukito: This is my house. (handwriting illegible on my scan, something about this actually being his grandmother’s house?) | Sakura (box): Oh right…my brother told me Yukito lives together with his grandfather and grandmother (“all three together”)

pg 161

Sakura (box): Yukito’s mother and father passed away when he was very small | Sakura: Uh…I… | Yukito: Do you remember drowning in the pond in the park? I happened to be passing by at that exact moment. (handwriting illegible) | Sakura: Tomoyo… | Yukito: Several sunglass-wearing women came to pick her up. I was so worried, but then I was able to make contact with Touya and ask him for help. (not quite sure on the proper translation here. I am getting a sense of extreme relief/indebtedness to Touya with the “よろしくお願いいたします” but I’m not sure if I’m literally translating it properly) | Sakura: Brother?!

pg 162

Yukito: Don’t worry about it. I told him seriously not to scold you. | Sakura: Right. Kero! | Yukito: Ah, Tomoyo told me “I will look after him today” (handwriting illegible) | Yukito: Now, why don’t you rest a bit more? | Sakura: Yukito… | Yukito: Hm? | Sakura: I met my mom there… | Sakura: Inside pond in the park… that thing, I wonder if it was mom’s ghost… | Sakura: A long time ago…brother told me my mom’s spectre appeared for a reason

pg 163

Sakura: Mom, I wonder what you were trying to tell me… | Yukito: But, supposing that was your mom…why would she put you in a dangerous situation?

Following few pages were really hard for me to translate, I think I went out to lunch a bit on some of these translations. So many clauses within other clauses and references to things that are not visible on the pages! My brain started to get really tired out by the end, I’m sure I made some mistakes here.

pg 164

Touya: That’s bad, Yuki | Yukito: Yeah | Yukito: Well, Sakura said she met her mom- | Yukito: -inside the pond in the park. Have you also seen such a thing? Your deceased mom? | Touya: I have. | Touya: All this stuff going wrong about about spectres and ghosts is my fault. Around the time we were young, every day I was telling her about a no-feet woman over there and a split-head old man over here, things like that

pg 165

Yukito: So Sakura became a coward. | Touya: I never saw such things, I don’t know why I did it. It was especially bad, I would keep telling her until she cried. | Yukito: So it was at this time you saw your mom for real? | Touya: No, around the time I was getting into middle school I stopped. | Touya: As expected, without mom it was lonely. | Yukito: No more of such things, but…

pg 166

Yukito: As for meeting [mom], if [Sakura] thinks she met her there’s nothing that can be done. | Yukito: Sakura can’t be scolded for the various things she did today. | Touya: Hmph. | Yukito: But, it can’t be helped that such things make Sakura cute (are part of Sakura’s charm?). It is good that she wants to stop evil things from happening. | Touya: I think it’s enough if this kid sticks to playing sports. | Yukito: ahahaha. Does Touya have a sister complex? | Touya: Shut up

pg 167

Sakura: Tomoyo! | Tomoyo: Have you been able to rest well? | Sakura: Yes! Sorry for causing such worry | Sakura: Kero! | Kero: I’m sorry for the trouble as well… | Sakura: …thank you

pg 168

Tomoyo: I am also in your service… | Sakura: Such a thing is not needed! (handwriting illegible) | Tomoyo: Have you not been scolded by your family? | Sakura: No, my brother and father have been silently keeping an eye on me | Kero: I regret that you got wet (Not sure if this is referring to Sakura or the phone?) | Kero: Sakura, what is the meaning of this? | Sakura: I saw my mom inside the pond, exactly like this photo

pg 169

Tomoyo: But everyone was arguing over what they saw above the pond (and I saw Penguin King…) | Kero: Sakura saw a woman | Kero: It would be good if we stopped going in this direction today | Sakura: What do you mean?! | Kero: Supposing Touya’s friend passing by at that exact moment isn’t weird - sorry, just making a joke | Kero: I think a Clow Card is the true form of the spectre. To send me flying and put you in a state of unconsciousness, our companion must possess a lot of power.

pg 170

Kero: I am requesting that we seek this card out. However, there is no way with Sakura’s serious injury, it makes me cry. | Sakura: Such a thing makes you so cool, Kero! | Kero: I am always cool! | Sakura: But, I expected you to say such a thing. Still, I don’t understand what this is about. I suppose it being a card is something I can consider.

pg 171

Sakura: That tale my brother told me, “your mother isn’t here, she is in a great peaceful and beautiful place above the sky”. | Sakura: As to what has happened…I would like to ask her


Congratulations on your first translation in here! I’ve been content to read other people’s translations myself, haha. (Not sure the issue you’re having with line breaks – for me, both simply pressing enter and using < br > without spaces work fine.)

I didn’t read this section in too much detail, but I did want to make a note about page 165 (and I noticed something about pages 167-168 as well).

Page 165

こいつ → “this one” → should be referring to Sakura, who Touya is looking at.
なんとなく → “somehow”
“This one couldn’t see (the ghosts) but it seems she somehow understood (that they were there?)”

Touya: とくにあんまり良くないもんはおれがいわなくても勝手にみーみーないてた
This part was tough for me, I needed the help of google translate, but then I was able to break it down as follows:

“Especially not-very-good things” (or just “Especially bad things”) + the topic marker は

なくても is pretty tough. negative + temo. temo is basically “even though”
“Even though I didn’t say (anything)”"

Pretty sure “みーみー” is onomatopoeia for crying.
“She started crying on her own”

So this is something like “If we’re talking about especially bad ghosts, even when I didn’t say anything Sakura would start crying on her own.”

Yukito: お母さん今もよく見えるの
“Are you still often able to see your mother?”

Touya: いや おれが中学あがったころにはもういなかった
あがる → to enter school
ころ → “when” → kind of similar to とき but for longer periods of time
いなかった → past negative of いる
“No, When I entered middle school she wasn’t there anymore.”

I wanted to talk about this part because the meaning changes a lot! Touya really could see ghosts apparently (and Sakura could sense them a little bit too!)

(Also this part was definitely hard! Had to look up quite quite a few words and grammar things. I guess it makes sense that Touya uses more complicated language around his peers than around his little sister…)

Page 167 -> 168

わい → “I” へん → kansai-ben negative form"
I think the “で” might be indicating there’s more to the sentence that’s left unsaid, as te-form is often used to link phrases together and there’s a … at the end.
I adjusted to:
“Sorry… I couldn’t do anything…” (I’m assuming it’s past tense due to context. there’s no past-tense version of te-form)

Tomoyo: わたしもお約に立てなくて…
なくて → negative te form
another statement with te… at the end. assuming past tense again:
“I wasn’t useful either…” (“either” because of も. seems she was listening to Kero before her.)


After several tries I think I kinda get the dialogues now. I’ll compare my translation with those already posted later this week.

page 160

This is a fun one, haha. You’re right that it literally says 目 but it would just be translated as ‘Have you woken up?’ You’ll see both 目が覚める and 目覚める。

あ、着替えさせたのは うちのおばあちゃんだから

着替え - changing clothes
させた- causative passive

“Ah, your clothes were changed by my grandmother” (in case she’s worried he did it)

page 161


Only thing I’m not sure on are the hiragana right after 夜食, but he was en route to the conbini to get a late night snack.

すごく心配してたけど ぼくが桃矢に連絡するっていったら「よろしくお願いします」って

I think what’s missing here in your translation is the って quoting particle both times it’s used. We’re also still talking about Tomoyo, as the speech bubble is still connected. (i missed this the first time too haha)

She was worried but


I would contact Touya

Quoting particle って plus いったら, the たら conditional, meaning ‘when’ of 言う, to say

So all together…

“When I said I would contact Touya”


Another quoting particle at the end, referring to what Tomoyo said.

“When I said I would contact Touya, she said よろしくお願いします”

page 162


So I took these speech bubbles separately.

First bubble:

I wonder if it was mom’s ghost

Second bubble:


It’s as Touya said a long time ago… Ghosts can come back when there’s a reason

There’s nothing in this speech bubble about Touya specifically seeing their mom’s ghost or saying that when he says ghosts come back, he means their mom. It could be that he means that, but that would be interpretation.

Then in the next page, she speculates that the reason is maybe her mom had something to tell her.

page 163

何か- something
The たい form of 言う, to want to say

“Mom, I wonder if there was something you wanted to tell me…”

She’s speculating based on the last page. We don’t actually know if ‘mom’ had anything to say to her. This probably seems like a picky change to your translation, but it’s good to note that you’re picking up on which verb forms are actually being used, that sort of thing, because small differences are still differences.

page 164

悪かったな ゆき
This isn’t the literal meaning of ‘it was bad.’ I cheated checked the english version and it translated it as ‘Sorry for the trouble, Yuki’

Then, checking on jisho for 悪い, I find, aaaaall the way at the bottom of the alternate meanings


He says ううん、which actually is a casual ‘no.’ :joy:

Seems annoying but they actually do sound different when you hear spoken Japanese, ううん is more like two syllables, kind of like English ‘uh-uh’

Handwriting: 池ん中じゃねえけど

page 165

今も, even now

Can you still see your mom well even now? (the present moment)

いる here as in to be (of people, living things)
もう already

Around the time I went to middle school, she was already gone.

page 166

This is a tricky one. I kind of just skimmed over it when I first read it, haha. Let’s see.

If she can meet her (potential form)


To want to meet

To think (Hard to tell who is thinking here. Sakura thinking she can meet mom?)

I assume the の here is some kind of nominalization, making this one whole big clause.

Can’t be helped I guess

So all together, something like…

If she thinks she can meet her, wanting to meet her can’t be helped.

So some good old redundancy in the sentence here.

English translationさん said:


This isn’t the literal ‘to play’ meaning of 遊ぶ。English translationさん translated it more with the ‘to tease’ meaning.


So breaking it down

With her

To be allowed to tease

Only me

All together:

The only one who’s allowed to tease her is me.

Now the next sentence makes sense (:

For page 167 @zucchi 's corrections are right.

page 168


お兄ちゃん お父さんには黙っててくれたみたい

There’s probably a particle missing after お兄ちゃん here, maybe が. The confusing part is 黙っててくれたみたい because there are several things going on here. When I plug this in to ichi.moe it suggested that 黙ってて is the continuous 黙っている


黙っている : to continue to be silent
くれる : for me (giving/receiving verb)
みたい : it seems

‘Oniichan is continuing to be silent for me (about what happened) to our father, it seems’ = he didn’t tell dad

The phone, I think. これ水に濡れちゃって
これ meaning this, and you wouldn’t use これ for a person.

page 169

I think this is still Tomoyo talking.

Slight correction,

Sakura was the only one who saw a woman.


I assume you got ‘direction’ from ほう but ほうがいい is a grammar point. (The ええ turns into いい for kero)

‘this time we should stop’

どうして just generally means ‘Why?’

Supposing Touya’s friend hadn’t been passing by- the negative here is へん with kero


Ok not 100% on this part but I think it’s something like

しゃれじゃ - maybe それでは in kansai ben?

すまんこと - bad thing

になっとった- would have happened

Combo of

So he’s saying if Touya’s friend hadn’t been passing by, something bad would have happened. That’s why they need to stop.

Another tricky one.


To break it down, first we look at the ending verb, わからない ( へん = ない)

So he doesn’t know.

Then notice the two か particles, and how they’re connected to nouns



Bunpro decided not to load just as I was searching this but this is the form of か that’s a conditional, meaning whether or not.

So now just by figuring out that much we know he’s saying he doesn’t know whether it’s a ghost or a clow card.

Then all we have left is それとも- or
and ほんまもん- real deal

“Whether it’s a clow card, or a genuine ghost, I don’t know, but…”

page 170

Ok I had to check the English translation but he’s not talking about this card specifically, but the cards in general.

[ カード探しを頼んだんは ] わい

This is a clause describing a noun. Everything in the brackets is describing わい

‘The one who asked you to search for these cards is me’

さくらに - to sakura (in the causative form, the に marks the ‘victim’, so something is being done ‘to’ something, in this case, sakura)

大けがさせたり Things like causing her injuries
なかせたりする Things like making her cry

~たり ~たりする grammar form

いやや - no way

Basically, he’s saying ‘no way!’ to letting the ghost/clow card hurt sakura or make her cry. It’s gone too far, which ties in with him saying to stop previously.


やっぱり as expected
いってみる - let’s go try (check out whatever it is)

If this was 言う instead of 行く I don’t think it would make sense with てみる, to try and say?

もし「カード」だったら supposing if it’s a card

なんとか - somehow or another
しなきゃ- must do
She’s saying that she’ll have to do something about it if it’s a clow card, she doesn’t really have the choice of stopping.

page 171

Missed a few words here, but got the idea.


Since you’ve gotten big/grown up


She’s been safely in a place above the sky

だから however
どうして- why


あそこー over there
いる for people again, ‘to be’

Why was my mom there? (in the pond)


Same phrase as earlier, is there something she wants to tell me?

もん is an elided もの


… is the thing I want to ask


thank you for your thorough notes as always!

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No problem! I’m actually enjoying going through these pages again carefully, I tend to breeze through things when I read them on my own but this is a nice opportunity to really pay attention to all the grammar.

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whew, ありがとうございます to @zucchi and @soggyboy for the notes! I really appreciate you taking the time to dissect where I went wrong. Looks like once again I’m getting hamstrung by my poor grammar skills, I really need to pay more attention to the specific verb congujations. Does make me feel a bit better hearing that you both found some of the passages tricky, though :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I think it’s good to keep in mind that although this is the ‘Absolute Beginner’s’ book club, this is still native material that wasn’t written with learners in mind. There will almost always be confusing combinations of grammar from multiple N-levels, even if the book overall is relatively straightforward. Japanese is also a language that leaves a lot unsaid/often leaves out the subject of sentences or entire conversations, which leaves the reader doing some guesswork if they aren’t confident in the language or aren’t used to that kind of writing.

The good news is that if you keep up grammar studies and keep reading material, it’ll get easier, and there are book clubs to help you along the way!


Oh, I caught up by accident :laughing:. I enjoyed reading this volume and I’m looking forward to finishing it next week. Was nice to read something that’s fairly easy to keep reading along with the club even when things get busy in life / stuff comes up. Thanks everyone for always gushing over the outfits with me :yellow_heart:

I’m not sure if it was this or last week, but this panel is so pretty – I just love how beautiful all the female characters are.


Pg 155
  • Sakura!!
  • My mom is here.
  • Her mom.
  • But Sakura’s mom died seven years ago…
Pg 156
  • Is it really mom?
  • Mom!
  • Sakura!
Pg 157
  • Kero!!
  • Huh?
Pg 158
  • M…mom…
  • It’s so painful… mom…
Pg 159
  • Who?..
Pg 160
  • You’re awake?
  • Yukito!
  • Here, this is my house (My grandma changed your clothes).
  • That’s right, I remember my brother said Yukito lives with his grandparents, just the three of them.
Pg 161
  • Yukito’s mom and dad both died when he was young.
  • Um… I…?
  • Do you remember? It looked like you were going to drown in the park’s pond.
  • I was just passing through (I was on my way to grab food from the conbini).
  • And Tomoyo…?
  • Her sisters with the sunglasses came to pick her up.
  • They were super worried, but when I said I would communicate with Touya, they thanked me.
  • Brother?!
Pg 162
  • It’s fine.
  • I let him know in a way so you wouldn’t get scolded.
  • I see. Kero…!
  • Oh, Tomoyo told me to tell you she’ll keep it for today.
  • I see.
  • A little more rest would be good.
  • Yukito…
  • Yeah?
  • I need to go meet… my mother.
  • In the pond in the park…
  • There is the ghost of my mom…
  • My brother told me long ago:
    • When ghosts come out, there’s always a reason.
Pg 163
  • Mom…
  • Is there something you want to say to me, I wonder…
  • But wait.
  • If it’s your mom, would she make you meet the eye of danger, I wonder?
    (Assuming this means: would her mom put her in danger. Funny phrasing though.)
Pg 164
  • It was bad, wasn’t it, Yuki?
  • Naaah.
  • Sakura met your mom in the pond in the park.
  • Touya, did you see it too? Your dead mom?
  • Yeah.
  • It’s my fault that things are going bad with ghosts and phantoms and stuff.
  • It’s because from the time we were little, I was saying stuff like “There’s a lady with no legs, here’s a guy with a smashed head” every day.
Pg 165
  • So that’s what turned Sakura into a coward.
  • Even when I didn’t see anything, she would ‘know.’
  • Especially when there was something bad, I wouldn’t say anything, but she’d cry on her own.
  • Do you still see your mom often?
  • No. Ever since middle school, she hasn’t been there.
  • She’s just lonely without her mother, after all.
  • That’s not it.
  • Just…
Pg 166
  • If they can be met, it probably can’t be helped wanting to meet them, I suppose.
  • Sakura has various things going on, so don’t scold her over today’s events.
  • Ughh.
  • But it can’t be helped that such things make Sakura cute.
  • It would be good to not be mean-spirited.
  • I’m the only one that can mess with her.
  • Hahaha.
Pg 167
  • Tomoyo!
  • Are you alright?
  • Yeah! Don’t worry, sorry!
  • Kero!
  • I’m sorry, I couldn’t help.
  • Thank you.
Pg 168
  • I also wasn’t of use in my role.
  • That’s not true!
  • Were you not scolded at home?
  • Yeah, my brother shut up about it to my dad (didn’t tell my dad?).
  • Sorry, this got water in it.
  • Sakura, what does this mean?
  • Just like in this photo, my mom was there in the pond.
Pg 169
  • But…
  • Everyone saw various things on the top of the pond.
  • Only Sakura saw a woman on the pond.
  • You should probably forget about this.
  • Why?
  • If your brother’s friend wasn’t passing through, we’d be sorry.
  • Clow card or a true ghost, I don’t know, but…
  • This opponent has the strength to make me fly away and fall.
Pg 170
  • I’m the one who asked you to look for the card.
  • I don’t want Sakura to get seriously hurt or make her cry.
  • Be cool today, Kero!
  • I’m always cool!
  • But if it really is what I saw, even if we don’t know what it is, if it’s a Clow Card, I think we have to get it.
Pg 171
  • That was like Brother told me long ago:
    • “Mom isn’t here. Since you’ve become big, she is safe in a large and beautiful place up in the sky.”
  • But then, why is Mom there?
  • I want to hear if you have something to say.

Woah this one gave me a ton of whiplash - first handful of pages were so simple to translate and really a breeze but man it got tough in the latter half. A fun chapter though and I’m really looking forward to finishing out the volume next week!

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Tomoyo chan being overfocused on filming has been a running joke, but I love how the moment Sakura was in real danger, even after seeing Kero being electrocuted out of the water, AND despite not being actually able to swim, she did not hesitate and was about to dive before Yuki showed up.


Minor correction,

お姉さん can be used to refer to older sisters or can be used as a polite term for a young woman. Given the context here I would assume 雪兎 is referring to the army of young women, and not a bunch of sisters.


“A bunch of sisters” will be my headcannon from now on.

1 Like

Referring to my army of bodyguards as “sisters” in the feminist sort of way


Think this whole thing is referring to Tomoyo. she was super worried, and thanked him. You can tell because it’s just one connected speech bubble which is in response to Sakura asking about Tomoyo, so the whole response should be referring to Tomoyo.



“I met my mother”

No nuance of ‘need to meet’ or ‘need to go and meet,’ which would be something like お母さんに会いに行きなきゃ


かな actually has the meaning of ‘I wonder.’ So something like ‘Was that ( あれ ) my mom’s ghost, I wonder…’


‘Sorry for the trouble,’ discussed this one in the last corrections post!


Even when she didn’t see anything. The こいつ is referring to Sakura.


Lol nice job with this one


Yep, discussed this one in the last post.

Nice job!


Thanks for the corrections as always everyone!!

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Week 14 thread is up, for the last week!